Good CFS doctors/clinics in or near Sacramento, CA?


Senior Member
Sacramento, CA
Hello all, my question is pretty much the title of this thread. I'm looking to get worked up after 30 years of having a problem but not trusting the medical profession much, after early attempts at seeking help proved futile.

Now I'm seeing that enough progress is being made with this disease that it makes sense to try to get a firm diagnosis. I live in Sacramento, California, USA, but would be willing to travel in order to get the right testing. My own belief/theory about my particular disease is that it is autoimmune in nature. This is bolstered by a few bits of evidence: labs i had long ago showed a mysterious high level of T cells, and also I am allergic to darned near everything.

Any suggestions, both on who is good and who I should avoid, are greatly appreciated.

Thanks, LBS
a possible resource

Hello all, my question is pretty much the title of this thread. I'm looking to get worked up after 30 years of having a problem but not trusting the medical profession much, after early attempts at seeking help proved futile.

Now I'm seeing that enough progress is being made with this disease that it makes sense to try to get a firm diagnosis. I live in Sacramento, California, USA, but would be willing to travel in order to get the right testing. My own belief/theory about my particular disease is that it is autoimmune in nature. This is bolstered by a few bits of evidence: labs i had long ago showed a mysterious high level of T cells, and also I am allergic to darned near everything.

Any suggestions, both on who is good and who I should avoid, are greatly appreciated.

Thanks, LBS


I thought I'd pass along a possible resource in your search for a CFS doctor. Maybe you've already seen this page. It lists all the CFS and FM treatment centers in the US along with a brief bio of all of their doctors -- where they studied, their specialty, etc. My apologies if there's already a link to this page elsewhere on Phoenix Rising.

Holtorf Medical Group, where I was diagnosed, has offices in both Foster City CA, and Torrence just Outside LA. As I explained in another thread I think they are great for a formal diagnosis but not so good for ongoing treatment. Plus, from what you say, I don't think their area of expertise is what you're looking for . They are thyroidologists and one of the reasons why I went there is that I felt thyroid issues were a big part of my problems. From your post it sounds like you need a CFS doctor whose specialty is either immunology or allergies (can't think of the specialty name right now).

Hope this is some help to you,
