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Glymphatic Pumps in the NEck


Senior Member

This might be of interest to those PWME who have a correlation between neck problems and ME severity.

"In 2012 Danish neuroscientist, Maiken Nedergaard first described the system that uses cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to remove waste from the brain and termed it the glymphatic system. Now, Nedergaard and her colleagues have looked deeper into the glymphatic system, focusing on lymph vessels called lymphangions. These are a series of tiny pumps in the neck that are responsible for moving dirty CSF out of the brain and into the lymph system where it ultimately reaches the kidneys to be processed.

Using advanced particle tracking in mice models, they found that as the rodents aged, the contractions in these pumps decreased. As a result, they found that older mice had 63% less dirty CSF flowing out of their brains compared to younger mice, setting the stage for the rodents to suffer cognitive decline.

Wondering if they could jump start the pumps and get them back into action, Nedergaard focused on the fact that lymphangions are lined with smooth muscle cells. So they looked to a drug called prostaglandin F2α, which works on these types of cells and is commonly used to induce labor in pregnant women. Sure enough, administering the drug to the elderly mice with a topical cream got the pumps working again to the point that the team saw the flow of dirty CSF out of the brain return to the same level of efficiency seen in younger mice."


Senior Member
Wow. Very cool article!

“These vessels are conveniently located near the surface of the skin."

Perhaps then, it could be transdermally delivered and not have systemic effects. EDIT: Oops, didn't read carefully. It WAS given to the mice transdermally as a topical cream.
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This looks so interesting! It does immediately seem like people who are helped by the Perrin technique might be able to benefit from this.... It's quite a while ago though, has anyone seen any follow up?


Senior Member
I met perrin and tried his therapy. It does work to sone extent.
One thing I've noticed is the whole spine is not working correctly and when perrins colleague started the method, changing the spine directly affected the fight or flight response.
I'm severe so it was difficult.
One thing that I still do and gives me immediate relief from the congested neck feeling is to put pressure on the sinus points he showed me in the nose. Touching these points gives me immediate relief from the horrible PTSD feeling.
Problem is my hand gets tired after twenty minutes.
But perrin was telling me that's a direct emptying of crap out of the brain