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glutathione--your favorite kind/brand?


Senior Member
I want to try a little glutathione again and am looking on amazon--there is an advanced glut spray and one called mimis around same price, good reviews. am curious what type people have found best tolerated, especially if you are MCS and decided full methylation protocol not right for you (due to sensitivities).....thanks, hope to hear from some of ya


Forum Support Assistant
I use Terry Naturally Clinical Glutathione. It comes in small tablets that slowly dissolve in the mouth. Taken twice a day on an empty stomach it provides a 30 day supply. It's more convenient than liquid liposomal glutathione and works just as well in my experience.

I recently tried s-acetyl glutathione but developed headaches. I only gave it a couple of days trial but will try again to see if I experience the same effects. If s-acetyl glutathione works for you then it will be a cheaper option (roughly half the cost.)

I've tried making my own liposomal glutathione (with an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner) but it wasn't nearly as effective as the store bought kind.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@PatJ - can you tell me what benefits you get with the glutathione?

And @Basilico - same question re your husband?

I take about a million supplements, costs a lot each month, and don't want to add any more; but if glutathione were to make a significant difference, it might be worth it. My chief problems right now are PEM, lack of stamina and insomnia. My immune system used to be a lot worse but andrographis is helping with it a lot.



@Mary , we both feel similarly about supplements, after spending so much time and energy and little to show for it. However, liposomal glutathione seems to be one of the few supplements that does make a difference. It's a bit pricey, and for that reason, he uses it sparingly. He requires 3 doses to get an effect, so it might take some experimenting to find out how much you need to see improvement (if it works for you).

He's a bit inconsistent in terms of what does or doesn't cause PEM, but there are some triggers that are very likely going to give him problems (working on his car in the hot Florida sun, for example). One of the first times he was testing the glutathione, he took his 3 doses, carried a really heavy car battery down a flight of stairs to his car, spent about 1/2 hour prying out the dead battery, and putting the new one in. All in the blazing mid day sun. Afterward, he spent a couple hours actively doing stuff in the apartment, like brewing beer and cleaning guns.

On his best day, he could do either the beer or cleaning guns but would get tired an need to rest afterward. No way could he do all of that stuff. He wasn't lifting weights at the gym, or anything extreme, but he was able to do a lot more than on his best days. He's used it multiple times since that early test, and generally has the same result. So he uses it as a PEM preventative. I don't remember if he's taken it after getting PEM. The only reason he doesn't use it everyday is the cost, since he needs 3 doses at a time, and the tiny bottle is $40. If we had more money, I'd buy it by the case.

We are currently doing an experiment using Ketone salts. He had some interesting results using them in conjunction with and without a keto diet (he's done a keto diet before and didn't have improvements in CFS) but taking the actual Ketone salts actually got rid of his PEM, which we found kind of shocking. We have to see if this is repeatable or just a one-time thing. Once we have some more experience and data, I will post about this on PR, and I will try to remember to tag you.
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Forum Support Assistant

Liposomal glutathione gives me more stamina, energy, and focus (not a lot, but enough to keep taking it). It also reduces the problems that I get from looking at a computer monitor (brain fog, poor coordination, headache, sleepiness).

I seem to have developed a tolerance though and need to keep taking breaks from it to restore effectiveness. It's the most expensive supplement I use at $52 USD per box which lasts 30 days at the typical dose.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Thanks @Basilico! I may have to give it a try. But I will probably try the Healthy Origins Setria reduced glutathione - it's supposedly as effective as the liposomal kind, but quite a bit cheaper. Of course it may be cheaper for a reason :confused: Anyways, I do appreciate your feedback. And do let us know how it goes with the keto salts -


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Thanks @PatJ - I will probably be giving glutathione in one form or another a try. Both you and Basilico have good things to say about it.

I may try making my own liposomal glutathione with an immersion blender. A few years ago I tried making liposomal vitamin C with a jewelry cleaner and the taste was so bad, I could barely get it down (like burnt rubber). And then I read that you could do it using an immersion blender, the was taste was much better, there was a test using baking soda which supposedly indicated that the liposomal process was pretty effective. It's worth a try if nothing else!


@Mary , the liposomal glutathione does have a funky taste, though I don't find it to be intolerable. It never occurred to me to try to make it using the vitamin C method...you might want to see how the commercial liposomal version works for you so that you have something to compare your version to in terms of effectiveness. I'm curious to hear your results!


am curious what type people have found best tolerated, especially if you are MCS and decided full methylation protocol not right for you (due to sensitivities).....thanks, hope to hear from some of ya

Just realized I forgot this part. My husband does not have MCS. He did the full methylation protocol a couple of years ago but didn't get any improvements out of it.


Senior Member
Just realized I forgot this part. My husband does not have MCS. He did the full methylation protocol a couple of years ago but didn't get any improvements out of it.

I was just reading the link to the one you guys buy at amazon.....interesting the first comment by a customer sort of flames them for changing the composition some and a bunch of people piled on about not liking stevia etc I like stevia so no problem there, but I am not sure I want the phosphatidyl choline in there.......I tried PC when tried methylation in like 2009 and can't recall why but made me foggy or something so didnt continue with that one, but there is good research for PC and PS....could be worth a try again....I do put raw sunflowers in my smoothies every day

I had thought that the nasal spray stuff is supposed to be best form for glutathione but maybe that is old info. Also on doublecheck those sprays have a bunch of other stuff in them too--like NAC which I most definitely do NOT want (unless I feel like having a migraine).............


@xrayspex , yes we read that top review and were a little concerned that the formulation would no longer be good, but luckily, it seems to still be good. He never tried the previous formulation, so he has no point of comparison, it's possible it used to be much better. But it works well for him now, so he's not complaining.


Senior Member
@xrayspex , yes we read that top review and were a little concerned that the formulation would no longer be good, but luckily, it seems to still be good. He never tried the previous formulation, so he has no point of comparison, it's possible it used to be much better. But it works well for him now, so he's not complaining.

I like to look at the amazon reviews but I take them with grain of salt most of the time....sadly its hard to know which ones might be someone from a competing company posing as a customer trying to sabotage them or conversely could be someone from their company trying to make it look good....I sort of figure if majority are positive probably a good sign :) glad that you guys find the formulation still fine--thanks for the info

btw I love basil~ I put fresh basil in my smoothies and I also bought some basil essential oil because the scent calms me down, I just love it !


Forum Support Assistant
think that LivOn labs makes the best liposomal glutathione.

I've tried LivOn liquid liposomal glutathione (the highest dose kind). It was roughly the same price as Terry Naturally Clinical Glutathione and had the same effects for me (even though LivOn was much higher dose). I went back to TNCG because it comes in tablets which allow more flexability in use. With LivOn liquid it needs to be refrigerated after opening and used within a relatively short period of time.