Gammaretroviruses in Australian prostate cancer patients?


Senior Member
This page popped up in Google today, it seems to have been added or at least updated in the last 24 hours. I think it's an older project, but still running?

Gammaretroviruses in Australian prostate cancer patients

In Australia, 20,000 new cases are diagnosed and nearly 3,300 men die from prostate cancer each year.

Exposure of the prostate to infectious agents is one of the environmental risk factors for prostate cancer. Studies suggest that gammaretroviruses might be associated with prostate cancer.

This study will use multiple assays to determine whether gammaretroiruses are present in prostate tissue of Australian prostate cancer patients.

Ila Singh is listed as one of the collaborators (listed as University of Utah, but she left that university if I remember correctly?).

The reason I think this project is older is because of the grant it's funded with. That grant is listed in a document from nov. 2010:

It was called XMRV in Australian Prostate Cancer back then.

Project seems to run for 2 years.