GG- Do you have your results yet? I just sent mine out the 17th...
Yes, had the appt this past Tuesday, forgot to get copies of labs (waited at least an hour before he saw me), was 8pm before I got out of the appt, and I was fried, after working my shift also!
He suggested Cymbalta, which had been suggested by my pain specialists, so I did not take it then (I already take an anti-depressant to get me good sleep, so do not want to mess with my brain chemistry more than I have to. What are the long term consequences of this? Not sure that is really known, but I will take a better short term "quality" of life over long-term suffering!), but I have been on it for a few days now, not noticing much change. I think he said my HIAA? was high. I had plenty of serotonin, but was excreting it.
He wants to recheck some lab work in a month, not the Neuroscience stuff, I hope!, I paid out of pocket due to lack of insurance coverage, hopefully I will get back some of that money?! Bad enough that due to Obamacare I cannot put as much money into my FSA. Tax the working poor some more! That's what we get with Big Gov't!!