over the years I have been tried on most of the usual suspects, tricyclics, ssris, snris etc I have mcs and could never tolerate them and got bad problems from some of them, if I could get the dose low enough some helped a while like serzone for a year but then couldnt tolerate it anymore.
I kept playing with gabapentin the last year because was desperate and you can get it as a liquid and seemed promising when I could get dose small enough. I finally settled in this spring/summer on just one tiny liquid drop tht is less than 1/10 of 1 ml............crazy I know but it knocked back debilitating headaches by 85% or so and get me out of house more and working more...........however its unpredictable, some days it doesnt work how i want it to and other days just fine, i feel like one of the neuro patients in Awakenings, the film with Robin williams, i tune in normally brainwise sometimes and then its gone and I cant control it by changing dose.
I am not thrilled about it as a permanent solution but its a slightly lesser evil, I am worried that it seems to make me stupider in certain ways even on small dose but overall is helping me organize the bigger picture better but in moments I feel foggy. when it starts to wear off i wake up in mornings sometimes with leg cramps and i love to strech but if i stretch my legs before taking it i can get a killer cramp in my calf which never happened before i took gabapentin which worries me. it also makes my face puffy which doesnt thrill me either, i think its an allergen something in it to me, but in that low dose it allows helpful part to work and minimizes allergy part. I couldnt tolerate lyric few years ago headaches.
I thinik more cfs people should try minute doses like this but it hasnt been studied so people dont believe in it or understand it but anotehr female friend of mine taught me this in the 90s with tricyclics (cheney noticed that in his patients in the 90s with tricyclics he wrote about it back then) and also luvox, i had been rearende in a car and she brought me over a luvox and said just nibble off a dustsize piece and it worked, i had been in bed in horrible pain flare and i went to san franciso a month larter and walked all over, altho the luvo made me crabby and eventually caused brain fog, that was 15 years ago.