Free test for ciguatera toxin poisoning - University of Hawaii



Today from Co-Cure

For a limited time, the John A. Burns School of Medicine (University of
Hawaii) is offering free testing to any patient who is interested and fits the
following criteria:

-The patient must be clinically diagnosed with chronic fatigue
-The patient must be willing to fill out a short questionnaire about
their health history as it relates to CFS
-The patient will be sent their MIA/ciguatera testing/CFS lipid
profile test results but should be aware that any results from other uses of
their serum will not be individually reported to them although their
identities will remain anonymous and only be used for scientific purposes.

The test for ciguatera toxin poisoning is only offered, at this time,
through the medical school. It has been found to be a biomarker for autoimmune
diseases that includes CFS via replicated research.

Those who want to be tested (or retested) for this current work at no cost
for the test may e-mail the researchers at
( for instructions.

For better health,

Gail Kansky
President, National CFIDS Foundation, Inc.
103 Aletha Rd.
Needham, MA 02492-3931


Senior Member
Los Angeles, USA
People might want to consider this. Ciguatera is a neurotoxin. And a toxin similar to ciguatera was found in CFS patients by the people doing this study.


senior member
Concord, NH
My response from researchers:

Lipid Titer

Undiluted, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20, 1:40, 1:80, 1:160, Control
2+, +, +, +, +/-, -, -, -

__ X_ Results resemble CFS profile _ __ Results resemble normal profile

1+ or + = positive result; +/- = borderline result; - = negative result; w=weak

**Note: The last +/- result is considered the endpoint titer. Positive or borderline titers that are equal to or
greater than 1:40 resemble a CFS lipid profile.

Explanation of the CFS Profile Test:

This laboratory test is a modified immunoassay that is capable of detecting lipophilic
substances that are likely structurally similar to the marine neurotoxin ciguatoxin in
serological samples. A positive test result (positive or borderline titers at or above 1:40)
indicates that the patient has an elevated acetone-soluble lipid component when
compared to normal samples that is indicative of chronic fatigue syndrome. Studies are
currently underway to determine the causative component(s).

Full text articles of previous studies further explaining the scientific methods and test
interpretation can be found at the National CFIDS Foundation website resources library
located at: