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free amino acids to augment protein -- pitfalls?

My digestive problems recently took a bad turn and I feel the need to find some way to add in some kind of elemental diet, not as my sole source for nutrition, but in addition to food, which I am unable to eat enough of. It's challenging since I react badly to a lot of things.

One possibility I'm looking at is free amino acids (all essential ones, in a powder, here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003PWJBIM/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1). I'ts commonly thought that you have take free aminos on an empty stomach when you take them for certain therapeutic effects; however, that has been disputed. I know from experience that some of these essential aminos have negative effects on me when taken separately on an empty stomach, while protein in natural form does not. What I want to know is, can you reliably avoid the specific effects of specific aminos if you take them with food, and just process them as protein?


Senior Member
Southeastern United States
@ellenelle Can I ask what negative effects you had when taking certain aminos on an empty stomach?

The product you listed has some good reviews on that Amazon page, including someone who said they found science backing the ratios of aminos in this product as an "ideal ratio" for adults. (healthy adults that is; those of us with less than perfect health might need some other ratio, but still...)


Senior Member
Upstate NY
@ellenelle - you might consider starting with BCAA (branched chain amino acids) only, since they represent essential protein. Look for a pure, additive-free source. NutriBio is a brand I have used. I don't take full doses at a time and don't mix it in liquid because it doesn't dissolve. Instead, I take it directly in my mouth in small portions and wash it down with a lot of water.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
You could try hydrolysed protein. It can be purchased and it is protein which has been pre-digested so it is essentially amino acids in the ratio it was in the food. You can buy hydrolysed beef etc.

A benefit is that your immune system should not react to it. It does cost a fair bit more than just regular protein.
Hydrolysed proteins tend to have the effect of lowering blood pressure. It has something to do with the direct absorption of the di- and tri-peptides; you can google this. I didn't believe it could be too strong an effect, but after trying one-third the recommended serving, I noticed within 15 minutes that I had become extremely light-headed. But yes, there was no immune response. I'm not eager to experiment any further.