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hi, Im going through the paces of sorting out my hormones and treating adrenal fatigue with some good results, but in the past have seen guys say they havent had much luck with testosterone. After all the research i have been doing i think i know why. WHen it comes to hormone modulation, many docs are out of touch just like cfs and finding a good doc can be hard.
Initially guys say that testosterone helps then stops working and they feel like crap again. Theres a reason for this, as we age our body increases an enzyme called aromatising enzyme and its function is to alter our testosterone to estrogen and this is a good thing but age seems to increase this which isnt good. WHen estrogen(E2) gets higher it reduces our free testosterone levels which is the stuff we want high. When the doc gives us testosterone, this increases our total T levels but because of this aromatising enzyme much is converted to E2 as our T go's up and freeT go's down. We can fix this, arimidex. ITs a drug used in breast cancer for women and used in lower doses for men to reduce the function of aromatising enzymes, this causes E2 to drop and we have an increase in freeT and we feel 25 again, hopefully and not like a 16 y/o girl with c-cups, lol
Another thing that can happen with testosterone therapy is that TRT suppresses our testicles and other organs in making hormones like dhea, pregnenolone, cortisol etc and if u have cfs theres a good chance your adrenals are knackered too and suppressing these hormones isnt a good idea. Now adding transdremal pregnenolone which absorbed alot slower and better then pills, has a down stream balancing effect on all other hormones and can replace those missing like dhea which are suppressed from TRT.
ONe more thing and this is my situation, i have good total T but bad freeT and high E2 and low dhea levels and cortisol levels, so adrenal fatigue is upsetting my hormonal balance. Now testosterone has to be down regulated by something or else our T levels would be off the chart. A healthy person has good adrenals and cortisol production and this is the way to go to down regulate T levels, but with adrenal Fatigue(AF) our cortisol levels are too low to do this, so E2 levels rise to down regulate my Testosterone which it has by dropping my freeT to below normal range and symptoms of estrogen dominance appear which is not good for us males. This is were low doses of hydrocortisone can help or better and safer pregnenolone. Preg can help raise low cortisol and dhea to healthy levels which then has an effect on lowering E2 as now our T is controlled by cortisol and we have good FRee T levels and feel as flash as a rat with a gold tooth. Why not supplement dhea, well my experience and others i have heard of is that dhea just increases their E2 levels which isnt what we are looking for. we do need good dhea levels but supplementing pregnenolone can increase dhea levels like we need but without raising E2 hopefully.
Now im just starting this hormone modulation and im feeling alot better on pregnenolone cream 50mg. Its not something u can do on your own but need to work with a good intergrative doc who can do all the right tests and monitor the effects. I will report back in a few weeks to talk about my blood tests after using pregnenolone but so far im feeling quite good.
Initially guys say that testosterone helps then stops working and they feel like crap again. Theres a reason for this, as we age our body increases an enzyme called aromatising enzyme and its function is to alter our testosterone to estrogen and this is a good thing but age seems to increase this which isnt good. WHen estrogen(E2) gets higher it reduces our free testosterone levels which is the stuff we want high. When the doc gives us testosterone, this increases our total T levels but because of this aromatising enzyme much is converted to E2 as our T go's up and freeT go's down. We can fix this, arimidex. ITs a drug used in breast cancer for women and used in lower doses for men to reduce the function of aromatising enzymes, this causes E2 to drop and we have an increase in freeT and we feel 25 again, hopefully and not like a 16 y/o girl with c-cups, lol
Another thing that can happen with testosterone therapy is that TRT suppresses our testicles and other organs in making hormones like dhea, pregnenolone, cortisol etc and if u have cfs theres a good chance your adrenals are knackered too and suppressing these hormones isnt a good idea. Now adding transdremal pregnenolone which absorbed alot slower and better then pills, has a down stream balancing effect on all other hormones and can replace those missing like dhea which are suppressed from TRT.
ONe more thing and this is my situation, i have good total T but bad freeT and high E2 and low dhea levels and cortisol levels, so adrenal fatigue is upsetting my hormonal balance. Now testosterone has to be down regulated by something or else our T levels would be off the chart. A healthy person has good adrenals and cortisol production and this is the way to go to down regulate T levels, but with adrenal Fatigue(AF) our cortisol levels are too low to do this, so E2 levels rise to down regulate my Testosterone which it has by dropping my freeT to below normal range and symptoms of estrogen dominance appear which is not good for us males. This is were low doses of hydrocortisone can help or better and safer pregnenolone. Preg can help raise low cortisol and dhea to healthy levels which then has an effect on lowering E2 as now our T is controlled by cortisol and we have good FRee T levels and feel as flash as a rat with a gold tooth. Why not supplement dhea, well my experience and others i have heard of is that dhea just increases their E2 levels which isnt what we are looking for. we do need good dhea levels but supplementing pregnenolone can increase dhea levels like we need but without raising E2 hopefully.
Now im just starting this hormone modulation and im feeling alot better on pregnenolone cream 50mg. Its not something u can do on your own but need to work with a good intergrative doc who can do all the right tests and monitor the effects. I will report back in a few weeks to talk about my blood tests after using pregnenolone but so far im feeling quite good.