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First of The Monsanto Round-up/Glyphosate/Cancer Lawsuits Goes To Trial in San Francisco


Senior Member
The first lawsuit in the U.S. to make it to trial alleging that Monsanto’s Round-Up/Glyphosate herbicide causes cancer started last week in Federal District Court in San Francisco, California.

...More than 425 lawsuits are pending against Monsanto Co. in U.S. District Court in San Francisco, filed by people alleging that exposure to Roundup herbicide caused them or their loved ones to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and that Monsanto covered up the risks. The cases have been combined for handling as multidistrict litigation (MDL) under Judge Vince Chhabria. The lead case is 3:16-md-02741-VC.

Monsanto sought to have its internal records and communications sealed from public view but the judge has allowed many to be made part of the public record, and these “Monsanto Papers” are contained within the records below.

...Thousands of other plaintiffs have made similar claims against Monsanto in state courts. Plaintiffs’ attorneys estimate the total number of plaintiffs at approximately 4,000.

The link noted above provides access to a daily live blog regarding what is happening in the courtroom, plus many other documents that may be of interest to anyone wanting to learn more about this health related news topic.


Senior Member
***Recommeded Reading***

Here is an article that provides some additional information about the issues surrounding Monsanto, Round-up and Glyphosate. I found the article to be particularly interesting, especially the parts where: 1) evidence has been uncovered as to Monsanto’s public relations game plan to counter consumers concerns/questions about their product and 2) evidence of the “relationships” Monsanto executives had with EPA employees (who held critical positions in the regulatory oversight over Glyphosate). While this article goes into somevdetail about Monsanto’s relationship/interaction with the EPA, it is also noted that the CDC had regulatory oversight over this product.
[The] Department of Health and Human Services’ Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)... along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is charged with evaluating potential adverse health effects from exposure to man-made chemicals

I found this blog from 2015, which discusses what the CDC has and has not been doing to review potential exposure by the public to manmade chemicals. Data has apparently been collected on this subject and reported to Congress from the CDC’s “National Exposure Report”. I have not independently verified the information presented in this blog as accurate, but it certainly raises some questions that might be worthy of further investigation into what the CDC is actually doing to adequately fulfill its charge to evaluate the potential adverse health effects from exposure to man-made chemicals, including Glyphosate. http://havacuppahemlock1.blogspot.com/2015/09/cdc-chemical-exposure-report.html


Senior Member
Opening Remarks in this Johnson vs. Monsanto/Round-up/Glyphosate lawsuit are set for Monday, July 9, 2018 at 9:30 a.m. (PST/PDT). The Opening Remarks will be available to watch via the “Courtroom View Network” at https://cvn.com/.


Senior Member
August 10, 2018
Jury Orders Monsanto to pay nearly $290 million in Roundup trial

A San Francisco jury has found in favor of a school groundskeeper dying of cancer whose lawyers argued that a weed killer made by the agribusiness giant Monsanto likely caused his disease.

In its decision on Friday, the jury awarded the plaintiff, Dewayne Johnson, nearly $290 million in damages.

Johnson's lawsuit against Monsanto was the first case to go to trial in a string of legal complaints alleging the glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup causes non-Hodgkin's lymphoma....

The jury found Monsanto acted with malice and oppression because they knew what they were doing was wrong and doing it with reckless disregard for human life," said Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a member of Johnson's legal team, according to the Associated Press....

Monsanto said that it plans to appeal the decision.


Senior Member
Here is an interview with the lead plaintiff’s attorney who won the first lawsuit against Monsanto, filed in a U.S. Court, for injuries caused by its product, Round-up (glyphosate).

I think this interview is worth watching, if you would like to learn more about this case (from the plaintiff’s perspective) than has been available in other news reports/interviews.

Note - this is the first lawsuit in the U.S., which has gone to trial against Monsanto for injuries sustained from the use of their pesticide/weed killer, Round-up. With a $290 million award to the plaintiff, this is quite a statement that a California jury has made against Monsanto/Round-up/Glyphosate, notwithstanding that an appeal of this judgment will most likely be filed.

There are currently hundreds of similar lawsuits filed in the U.S. waiting for their day in court and it is estimated that internationally these type of lawsuits could reach into the thousands.
See, one analysis of whether Monsanto’s anticipated grounds for appeal appear to have much chance of overturning this judgment. https://www.insurancejournal.com/news/national/2018/08/15/498050.htm

The name Monsanto will also be retired as a result of the recent purchase of this company by Bayer (which owns one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world).
See, 1) https://www.scientificamerican.com/...ating-a-massive-seeds-and-pesticides-company/ and 2) http://fortune.com/2018/05/29/bayer-monsanto-takeover-approval/ and 3) http://www.pharmtech.com/bayer-completes-monsanto-acquisition-63-billion-0


Senior Member
The trial lawyer industry is huge, it is one of the largest single contributors to national campaigns in the USA. It is an industry that provides no products and one service which is used by very few people, very rarely,

This is the same crowd that claimed certain cars in of the 80s and 90s had the magical ability to suddenly open the throttle to 100%, cause the brakes to fail, and yet have no evidence of the malfunction discoverable after a crash. Those cars must have exercised mind control so that the driver could not shift into Neutral or cut the ignition. Of course, after spending **millions** to investigate the whole scam, the NHTSA found that in every case, the driver had stomped on the wrong pedal then froze themselves and watched the accident happen. NHTSA also found that this happens with every brand of vehicle. The one factor which consistently correlated with how often this happened was not the type of car, but the age of the driver. There's actually an official name for it in the state of Florida, "Sudden Elder Acceleration".
Net result: The trial lawyers brainwashed the gullible into believing that if your car is accelerating when you don't want it to, it must be possessed and you can't do anything about it. It's near certain that more people were persuaded to just watch the crash happen too bad about whoever they hit. The truth is that when that happens on any modern car, your foot or a loose item on the floor is holding the pedal down. Lift your fool foot or shift into N, and hit the d-mn brake pedal. No doubt a number of crashes could have been avoided by publicizing the actual cause rather the the tort lawyer's scheme.

Personally I'm not buying the hype on this subject. If you want food, you gotta have weed and pest control. Glyphosphate is much less dangerous than most alternatives including things such as copper sulfate, which is used for "organic" farming.

Do enough studies, and you can link cancer to anything. For example, California was about to put warning labels on coffee. That was rolled back because a few of the legislators didn't want the warning on their morning Joe.

Gotta go, it's time for my carcinogenic coffee. I'd better sip it slow and enjoy, because it'll surely give me cancer any day now!