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Fibromyalgia study at MGH in Boston, only for another month?


senior member
Concord, NH
Up to $100 compensation. Will pay for parking. Not a treatment study.

Call the Nerve Injury Unit at 617-726-9391 or email at nerveunit@partners.org

What does the study involve?

In one or 2 visits to our lab, you will undergo 2 tests for nerve damage; Autonomic function testing and Neurodiagnostic skin biopsy.

Autonomic function testing (AFT) consists of 4 seprarate tests that are routinely used by physciains to diagnose periperal nerve conditions. In this test, we monitor blood pressure, heart rate, deep breathing and sweat production. You will be lying down during most of this testing.. Subjects may be instructed to avoid certain foods, and specific medications, as is typical for these types of tests,, up to 24 hours prior to testing.

A skin biopsy will also be taken, the size of a pencil tip, 3mm. Surveys are also to be filled out.


  • MGH Fibro Study Brochure 2012 stamped (2).pdf
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