Feel weird with any GABA Promoting, Muscle Relaxing, Sleep Inducing Supplements/foods/Activities


Senior Member
Hey all, as the title mentions, what could be the cause of someone being sensitive to most GABA promoting/muscle relaxing/sleep inducing supplements/foods/activities. I used to get it initially from supplements (mostly Magnesium). Later found out most supplements contain starch as fillers and starch also produce that GABA like heat /muscle relaxing effect on me. Get the same effect from all dairy products too (Maybe its the calcium or saturated fat) and all types of tea/coffee.

This also happens if I spend too much time in hot weather outside, hot showers/sauna, sex/masturbation.

- Anxiety/panic feelings
- Joint Pain
- Hair loss
- stiff neck
- Dry mouth

Is this a thyroid issue or something else? Are there any other conditions where muscle relaxers can cause harm?

I have Hypothyroidisn (Hashimotos), ADHD and mild Histamine/MCAS issues. I have been able to manage these mostly with diet.

Many thanks for all forthcoming responses.