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Fecal Transplant Banishes C. Diff and improves insulin sensitivity


Senior Member
A total of 46 out of 49 patients treated with intestinal microbiota transplant, or IMT, were quickly rid of their symptoms and had no adverse effects, Mayur Ramesh, MD, of Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, and colleagues reported at IDWeek 2012 here.


Fecal Transplant Flushes Insulin Resistance


After six weeks, peripheral insulin sensitivity significantly improved in 18 patients who received feces from lean donors compared with those who received an autologous transplant

Glynis Steele

Senior Member
Newcastle upon Tyne UK
Here is an article from Science Daily about this study.

ScienceDaily (Oct. 19, 2012) — A novel therapy that uses donated human stool to treat the deadly and contagious C.difficile infection is safe and highly effective, according to a Henry Ford Hospital study.

Researchers found that 43 of 49 patients recovered swiftly after treatment and had no adverse complications from C.diff three months later. Treatment is performed either through a nasogastric tube or colonscopy on an outpatient or inpatient basis.

Mayur Ramesh, M.D., a Henry Ford Infectious Diseases physician and senior author of the study, says the treatment, while appearing unconventional, has striking results. "More than 90 percent of the patients in our study were cured of their C.diff infection," says Dr. Ramesh. "This treatment is a viable option for patients who are not responding to conventional treatment and who want to avoid surgery."

In its study, Henry Ford treated patients between May 2010 and June 2012 with a therapy called intestinal microbiota transplantation (IMT), using donated stool from a healthy family member. Dr. Ramesh says the healthy stool, when mixed with warm tap water and administered, helps to re-establish the normal intestinal flora in the patient's gastrointestinal tract. Intestinal flora is healthy bacteria that stimulates the immune system and aids the digestion and absorption of food. "Patients who receive treatment through a nasogastric tube don't taste or smell the stool mixture as it's administered," Dr. Ramesh says. "Patients often resume their diet within a couple hours and are feeling better within 24 hours."

Of the 49 patients, 43 fully recovered, four died of causes unrelated to C.diff, one had intestinal surgery and one had no improvement.

Full article: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/10/121020162445.htm

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Treatment is performed either through a nasogastric tube or colonscopy on an outpatient or inpatient basis.
A nasogastric tube? Oh, Ick!
"Patients who receive treatment through a nasogastric tube don't taste or smell the stool mixture as it's administered," Dr. Ramesh says.
That’s nice to know.

P.S. Yes, I know my tune would change if I had C.diff.
They can't reach your small intestine by way of your butt. So it has to go down your esophagus. And it probably does work.

I'm not surprised about the insulin sensitivity part. There's been considerable research linking overuse of antibiotics with the growth of childhood obesity. Every child who gets a flu virus at school nowadays gets bombarded by antibiotics. It's completely foolish and idiotic, but the parents expect it, and the doctors don't want to disappoint.

Frankly, I am surprised by the number of ME/CFS specialist docs who still push antibiotics when there is no trace of any pathogen. I had to say no to Xifaxin several times. Apparently it has become very popular. There are apparently patients who take it every day like vitamins. That's malpractice IMO.