fashion for women with M.E


Senior Member
Possible things:

Cold hands and feet?

Layered - so that more layers can be added/lost as you desire. (I'm often in six layers).

Suitable for sleeping and being up during the day? Both for when getting dressed would take a lot of energy, and for if you need to lie down during the day.

I'm not sure how much of that is common in CFS though. Good luck with this.


Senior Member
oh and that you dont need to iron it !
and that it still looks well dressed/ semi-formal
and stretchy and comfy
I agree with all suggestions here. I did the survey but there were a number of things I forgot to say in it so I'm saying them here.
I also hate itchy labels stuck in clothes b/c of my fibro. I can not wear bras sometimes due to pain so I often pick clothes that I can wear without a bra if I need to.

I pick clothes that can go with trainers or ugly orthopedic shoes that I have to wera due to pain.
No skinny jeans or tight things.

I also prefer natural fibres. Natural fibres regulate the body temperature better than synthetics and that is important in M.E. I forgot to say that in the survey.
Some people with M.E have chemical sensitivities so that influences fabrics and if dyes are used but I personally have no problems with that.
You should have had more specific questions regarding fabrics types in the survey.


คภภเє ɠรค๓թєl
I agree! I did say natural fibers (well, cotton and rayon for breathability) in the survey, but I forgot to say no scratchy tags. Also no scratchy seams. And nothing else that pokes.

I agree with all the suggestions previously, too. :)


Senior Member
Woodridge, IL
I am going to do the survey in a minute, but I wanted to say that i agree with the suggestions made here re layers for temperature fluctuations and comfy/non-scratchy/no tags/natural fibers but not wool, etc.......I also know that I have to wash most clothes a few times before I can wear them because during the manufacturing process many use formaldehyde and that causes bad reactions..

..and shirts like sweatshirts that have a tighter fit on the wrist (or sports socks, like tube socks, that fit more snugly around the ankles, or tight turtle necks, etc) also drive me nuts....bras without lace, seams rt across the nipple, underwires, scratchy fasteners, irritating elastic, etc (trying to find comfy bras is the worst)

....and re the fit, I know that my weight has fluctuated a ton (and this may be just me, but bc of stomach issues and bloating, etc, I can literally go up two full sizes overnight, or down that much) this point I have clothes in sizes all the way from 0 to 12 (US sizing) bc of this issue, and that gets expensive and takes up a ton of space that my little apt does not have, so clothing that somehow accommodates weight fluctuations would be really wonderful

actually also re sizing, in the US at least sizes are not standard at all which means that buying clothes over the net is nearly impossible....a clear sizing chart or something like that would be very helpful, too

and easy care is also important (doing laundry is hard enough without having to do it by hand and dry cleaning is not an option bc of chemical sensitivities)

and of course, price and quality matter, too.......I am very broke but buying cheap clothes typically means they do not last and shopping is VERY difficult for me, so the less often I have to do it, the better

no zippers on the back, no really difficult to get on/off and/or fasten, etc

sorry if these are too many suggestions, but clothing has become quite an issue and I love that you are thinking about this, so I am mentioning everything I can think of