fasciola infection.... need a huge favor from someone living in australia..


David Pain
Tijuana-San Jose, Ca
Well, I'm sorry to be writing an email like this during the holidays. I know how tiring the holidays can be. I learned that I have a fasciola gigantica infection about sixty days ago from going to the phillippines like an idiot in january. I have tried to cooperate with doctots by getting health insurance and running ultrasounds and ct scans. But they diagnose me with everything except a fasciola infection. The big problem is no one knows what it is, or what to look for. Or they refer to an old merck manual that says praziquantel treats it. After my stool yest came back neg and a blood test came back unequivocal, I am convinced I'm not going to be treated in a timely manner. If you live in australia I would appreciate it if you could contact me. Thanks.