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Famciclovir and ldn for ebv and hhv-6


i have few questions that i cant find answers to online,

1)how long it takes to treat ebv and hh-6.

2)once treated can i stop taking meds or would there be relapse i mean is meds forever.

3)how long till i see improvement from cfs it been few weeks no difference or die off symptoms 500mgx3 per day famciclovir.

4) i might have lyme diseases too would famciclovir and ldn help?

5)i have been on ldn for few months and i dont feel any difference even for hashimoto it doesnt show any improvement on blood work.

6)is there any supplement for cfs i tried b12 d3 and anything that increase energy but nothing happend.


Senior Member
6)is there any supplement for cfs i tried b12 d3 and anything that increase energy but nothing happend.

You could try the other B vitamins. Some people report benefits from B1, especially the more bioavailable forms like benfotiamine and allithiamine.


Senior Member
Famvir works for EBV, but not for HHV-6. Valcyte is the drug which specialists often prescribe for ME/CFS patients with HHV-6; Valcyte also works for EBV.

If you look at Dr Martin Lerner's protocols for herpesvirus-associated ME/CFS, he says that when taking Famvir 1,000 mg x 4 each day (a higher dose than you are taking) or Valcyte 450 mg x 2 daily, improvements begin to appear at around 3.5 months, and the full benefits may take up to 2 years to manifest.

However, Lerner would always treat every active herpesvirus at the same time. So if you have just EBV, he would use Famvir or Valtrex, but if you also had HHV-6 or cytomegalovirus as well as EBV, then he would use Valcyte, which targets all these viruses.

None of these antivirals will help Lyme or any other bacterial infection.
You could try the other B vitamins. Some people report benefits from B1, especially the more bioavailable forms like benfotiamine and allithiamine.

i just started on 100mg of b1 a week ago and so far no improvement i will keep taking it for few more week and see if it makes any difference

Famvir works for EBV, but not for HHV-6. Valcyte is the drug which specialists often prescribe for ME/CFS patients with HHV-6; Valcyte also works for EBV.

If you look at Dr Martin Lerner's protocols for herpesvirus-associated ME/CFS, he says that when taking Famvir 1,000 mg x 4 each day (a higher dose than you are taking) or Valcyte 450 mg x 2 daily, improvements begin to appear at around 3.5 months, and the full benefits may take up to 2 years to manifest.

However, Lerner would always treat every active herpesvirus at the same time. So if you have just EBV, he would use Famvir or Valtrex, but if you also had HHV-6 or cytomegalovirus as well as EBV, then he would use Valcyte, which targets all these viruses.

None of these antivirals will help Lyme or any other bacterial infection.

thanks what happens if the treatment stopped after two years will there be a relapse


Senior Member
thanks what happens if the treatment stopped after two years will there be a relapse

I have seen some stories of the improvements being maintained after stopping, and other stories of the ME/CFS symptom slowly getting worse after stopping. I don't know what the general rule is, because I have not seen enough stories. Perhaps if you search through Dr Martin Lerner's papers and articles, you might find some info on this. Lerner's website is still up and running, and lists all his publications. If you find any answers, please let me know.
However, Lerner would always treat every active herpesvirus at the same time. So if you have just EBV, he would use Famvir or Valtrex, but if you also had HHV-6 or cytomegalovirus as well as EBV, then he would use Valcyte, which targets all these viruses
Hi hip, my CMV IgM is negative but CMV IgG is 2.10 (3x the positive cutoff). May I ask does that mean the virus is active/reactivated? Thanks


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Senior Member
Hi hip, my CMV IgM is negative but CMV IgG is 2.10 (3x the positive cutoff). May I ask does that mean the virus is active/reactivated? Thanks

ME/CFS doctors I believe usually say cytomegalovirus is an active infection when your IhG result is much higher than the reference values, but your does not appear to be high.
ME/CFS doctors I believe usually say cytomegalovirus is an active infection when your IhG result is much higher than the reference values, but your does not appear to be high.
Thank you for your insight. I was also tested for EBV. Result shows: Negative VCA IgM. Negative VCA IgG (atypical result) but EBNA was 594. Doctor said "past infection". I was confused as to why my VCA IgG was negative so I asked for another EBV panel a week later and again it shows negative VCA IgG but EBNA went up to over 600. The doc didn't order EBV EA so I asked for PCR quant and it says "negative copies".

Im your opinion, is an EBNA of >600 indicative of active EBV? Thanks


Senior Member
Im your opinion, is an EBNA of >600 indicative of active EBV? Thanks

Dr Martin Lerner says ME/CFS patients have an active EBV infection if there are high antibody levels in the VCA IgM and/or EA IgG diffuse tests.

Source: here