Eye problems & Head Pain

Hi everyone, sorry if a similar thread had been posted before. Looked through threads in relation to eye problems and thought it was worth posting a new one.

I’m kind of sick of pretty much having a new weird and wonderful symptom every time I see my GP at the moment. I’ve had problems with my eyes since all of this started about 18 months ago.

I get a pain in or behind the left eye (seems to flare up when I’ve pushed things) and a difference in the size of my pupils that comes and goes (doesn’t show up on an eye test), but a couple of weeks ago I woke up with a new problem.

Even a small amount of light was triggering that blur you get when you’ve stared at a very bright light (don’t know what it’s called) and it was tending to be in the bottom corner of my right eye all the time. Along with sometimes just being like I could see my nose or something in that portion of vision.

My GP just looks at me like I’m making it up and an eye test yd didn’t find any physical problems with the eyes.

Coupled with this, the pain I’ve been getting in the top of the right side of my head (throbs and gets worse when I’ve overdone it or bend down) has gotten worse and it just feels like I can feel something wrong with the right side of my face/head (like a tension headache or something).

I’m at my wits end with the doctors now as they always say anxiety is the cause (even though I had the ME/CFS diagnosis in March this year).

For the sake of my sanity, does this sound familiar to what anyone else’s has experienced? 😃


Senior Member
I have all of this too.You are in good company.

they saw that my pupils were not adjusting to bright light like they should,but didn't investigate further.In my case,it waxes and wanes,thats why i think its part of my ilness.

when very bad,i see flashes in my right eye which are so bright it hurts.
it has become bit less since im living in the dark and wear sunglasses when going out of the room.
I wish I could tell you something useful.
I have all of this too.You are in good company.

they saw that my pupils were not adjusting to bright light like they should,but didn't investigate further.In my case,it waxes and wanes,thats why i think its part of my ilness.

when very bad,i see flashes in my right eye which are so bright it hurts.
it has become bit less since im living in the dark and wear sunglasses when going out of the room.
I wish I could tell you something useful.

Thanks @Pearshaped it’s just good to know there’s someone else out there experiencing the same thing (although not good that you have the same problem if you get what I mean).

The sunglasses seem to really help, noticed if I keep them on I don’t notice it.

I’ve been pushing things for the last few weeks so I’ve only got myself to blame :D
I went to the Optician with blurred vision, but only in one eye. They believed it was the optic nerve getting tired (?) or overworked because of M.E., and it wasn't anything to be concerned about, just rest up, wear sunglasses and don't read too much when feeling exhausted. Certainly continues to point towards issues with the nervous system in ME.


Senior Member
Vancouver, BC
@Chrisjr19 Your symptoms vaguely sound like a migraine. Typically the pain appears on just one side of the head but that throbbing pain when bending over/lying down is something I only get with migraines, although for me its in the back of neck leading into the head. I wonder if the blur you experience after looking at the light is an aura? It is another migraine symptom