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Executive Functioning?


Senior Member
I think that's the phrase! I mean the ability to organise yourself and plan etc. Do you find its affected with ME?

I struggle with it when the brain fog is bad, my house is a tip, I can see it is and want to do something to sort it but don't have the energy and often can't even think where to start it feels so overwhelming but then so does the thought of having someone else come in and doing it and constantly asking every few minutes ''whats this for?' Do you need this? Can we throw it out? etc

Verbal conversations I find exhausting quickly maybe because I have to lip-read too and struggle to get words out to reply after a while and most people see talking much easier than having to stop and read something!

Sometimes if I get a couple of good days I may manage to batch cook some stuff for crashes so I have healthy ready cooked meals in the freezer. ...but then doing that means nothing else gets done that was on the endless 'To Do' list!

Anyone else???


Senior Member
So badly affected that for years I just thought 'something was wrong with me', but I realized how much it worsened with PEM or with stages of illness from mild to moderate to severe. And then duh - there 'is' something wrong with me. Since I never really accepted (and still have trouble with it since it's a bit of a bin diagnosis) ME/CFS, I never could process why my younger skills all were atrophying and my ability to get things done always felt like pushing the proverbial rock.

Also seeing it now with some friends who I think have symptoms of Long Covid (ME/CFS) but would never recognize it. Crashes two days after extensive exertion, remarkably bad executive function, etc.


Senior Member
So in short - yes.

I also realized over time that it was more affected in some areas than in others. So I might be able to get groceries delivered since it's a repetitive task, but I look back on certain healthcare decisions or financial decisions after I slid more into severe, and my thought process was really shoddy and disorganized - which is very unlike me. Sadly, it continues.


Senior Member
Yes, absolutely! I've just started this post 4 times because I can't figure out what I want to say. What's the priority response? I have no idea.

I suddenly have a regular weekly appointment, and it's a bit terrifying. It's hard to remember what day of the week today is, so I've set all of my regular activities - laundry etc - to specific days, for some structure. Then I can completely lose track of what time it is + the fact that I have a ride coming, so I've set alerts on my computer and phone. But I don't always carry my phone. I don't want to always carry my phone.

There are solutions. But there are suddenly layers and layers of solutions for the simplest of tasks, because the Executive Assistant in my brain has quit.


Senior Member
I might be able to get groceries delivered since it's a repetitive task, but I look back on certain healthcare decisions or financial decisions after I slid more into severe, and my thought process was really shoddy and disorganized - which is very unlike me. Sadly, it continues.
I get everything delivered these days and if services don't do home visits I never get there. Only time I go out is on my mobility scooter to walk my dog, though we've had a rest week as he's been limping but normally I manage one walk even if it just to field down the road and back.

Occasionally brother comes and takes me out for dinner for a couple of hours, usually around birthdays or xmas so only about an handful of times a year! Haven't been holiday or even a full day out for over 10 years now.

But the executive function issues have only been bad over the last few years.


Senior Member
Yes, absolutely! I've just started this post 4 times because I can't figure out what I want to say. What's the priority response? I have no idea.

I suddenly have a regular weekly appointment, and it's a bit terrifying. It's hard to remember what day of the week today is, so I've set all of my regular activities - laundry etc - to specific days, for some structure. Then I can completely lose track of what time it is + the fact that I have a ride coming, so I've set alerts on my computer and phone. But I don't always carry my phone. I don't want to always carry my phone.

There are solutions. But there are suddenly layers and layers of solutions for the simplest of tasks, because the Executive Assistant in my brain has quit.
I've never been good at keeping track of passing time. Usually when out with dog I can tell what day it is roughly (ie weekday or weekend) cos of traffic or other people about.. bin lorry coming round reminds me what day it is midweek and TV programs that are on a specific day. Long bank holiday weekends confuse me!


Senior Member
Here's one for you. I've been on the phone for over an hour trying to figure out if anybody covers the root canal I have to get soon. Phones are exhausting for me; I avoid using them. After 45 minutes of hold-music and punching buttons and giving out numbers to occasional people, an automated voice asked for my zip code. I had no idea. Complete brain freeze. Luckily by this point I had the contents of my wallet strewn around on the table, and I thought to look at my license.

It's the randomness of these freezes that alarms me.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Do you find its affected with ME?
its HUGELY affecting my Executive Function which was highly developed: I did really hard scientific work.

And now I am out of business altho I await further IMPROVEMENT because, well ENUF already. But since I am older, and I unraveled during The Worsening in 2018 which was likely stress induced.....(wildfire, house burnt down, bye bye life, stuff, and everything you thought was valuable)

I think organizing and planning and connecting up things inside the brain is greatly affected.

I could knit.

I could paint and draw.

I played a flute, and could play along with Jethro Tull for an hour. Now I can't hardly HOLD it. Let alone Breathe.

I could key out tiny plants and operate 10,000$ microscopes.

Now I stare at and curse at this cell phone I can hardly use. I can't open a simple package. Im having alot of hearing and vision issues, too. EGAD.

I was a fixer. If it's broken, I want to fix it. Glue it. Replace it. Read the manual. Follow the schematics.

so all my competencies became now I just don't really do ANY of that. I decided other people can knit my granddaughter's pretty sweaters. Because the one sweater I tried to make in 2020, well it just was not worth it.


Senior Member
Well I’ve managed to get my head together enough to sort out JJ’s birthday presents coming up next month. now need to focus on tidying the kitchen as they want to do a gas safety check first week of Sept and the place is a tip as I’ve had no spare energy to do anything!
As a bare minimum the area in front of the boiler needs clearing for them to come in take the front off etc.