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ERMI test results


Hello I am working with my doctor to try and work toward recovery, but it is slow going. I have a lot of things going for me, mercury/arsenic, infections, immune problems, methylation blocks, etc. And now Mold problems.

My doc tells me to get out of my house as fast as possible. And he has currently prescribed me cholestyramine to bind mold toxins in the gut. I have visible mold in a lot of areas of my house. In my bathroom, around my windows, refrigerator, sink, little in my walls.

I don't know If i can afford to move into a new house and if just taking the cholestyramine is sufficient, which according to shoemaker is not. I have not tried the cholestyramine yet due to it costing $250 for compounded without the fillers. Has anyone else here delt with similar ERMI results? @slayadragon ?

Since I am immune comprimised I don't want to take any chances of serious infections. It is kind of scary that stachbotrys was detected and the high counts of aspergillus niger and cladosporium.
According to my results how badly do I need to remediate or reloacate? Would remediation clear the mold up or is it a waste of time?

Thank you guys.


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Senior Member
Based on what I have seen, you would be best leaving behind not only the house but all your possessions. But if you can't bear to part with the possessions, moving out of the house would at least be a good start (e.g. preventing further declines in the future).

Whether you will be able to tolerate the cholestyramine after moving to a better environment, I don't know. But it certainly won't protect you from living in a bad environment, and it is very unlikely that you will be able tolerate it while living in a bad environment, based on the cases I have seen and what mold doctors report).

I have not seen remediation help people who already are sick with this disease. It may be enough to make a home safe for people who are not already sick though.


I appreciate your reply slayadragon.

I am looking to move, but I don't know if it will be for nothing if the next home has a mold problem or not. I think most houses have mold.

WOuld you recommend any good places to move to around the sacramento area?


Senior Member
The reports that I've heard about Sacramento are that it is pretty problematic for people who are toxic mold reactors, in terms of the outdoor air (especially in winter). Not as problematic as some people, but problematic. You can look on this board for reports (in the California thread of the U.S. section).


If you want a vacation to a good place to see how much it might make a short-term difference to you, you could try Mercey Hot Springs. The cabins and the rental house feel okay to me. Or you could just go for the day, to see how "clear" feels to you. With new clothing, preferably.
