Enteric capsule and herbal oils

I've struggled with taking herbs due to a reactive stomach. I have the same issue with antibiotics, however have tolerated them well when taken with an enteric coating.

Recently I've experimented with dropping Oregano oil and grapefruit seed extract into an empty enteric capsule. The results have been really good at treating a joint fungal and bacterial overgrowth in my small intestine.

I'm now wondering if this is actually safe. The usual method of taking oil/tinctures is just to drop into a glass of water and drink. However in the EC, the oil is more concentrated and comes directly in contact with the lining of the intestine.

Anyone tried this or have any thoughts?


iherb code TAK122
I'd be more concerned with the quality of the enteric coating? also I've read of people having success with directly applying the oils to the soles of the feet.
I sourced the capsules from a local compounding pharm. You can buy them via the UK from an ebay retailer however the quality of the cap is sub par. I can feel it break up before reaching the intestine.

Too be honest, oregano oil and grapefruit seed extract along with rifaximin are the only things that have helped with an small intestine infection (bacterial, fungal and I suspect viral as well as my illness was triggered by a gastro bug in India). The first time I took oregano oil in an enteric cap I actually experienced a die off similar to antibiotics. Strange headache for a few hours followed by a lifting of brain fog. My shitty digestion then kicks in for the next meal and sits in my stomach (delay in gastric emptying), the bacteria grows, brain fog comes back.

I'm now trying cutting the active agents with olive oil.

Anyone have any tips for delays in gastric emptying? I was taking 30mg of Amitriptyline and have cut that in the hopes that is was making the situation worse (listed as a side effect). Diet wise I'm following a GAPS diet and supplementing with easy to digest fat and protein.