ENT specialist UK

Does anyone know or have seen an ent doctor/specialist ? I have pain on one of my jaws and my jaw also clicks when i open my mouth. So im hoping that if these can get fixed some of my other symptoms might improve.

charles shepherd

Senior Member
I would also suggest that you first pay a visit to your dentist (if you have one) because a good dentist should be able to make an initial clinical assessment as to what may be wrong here (possibly temperomandibular jaw dysfunction as there is an overlap with ME/CFS) and (if necessary) arrange for some investigations and/or a referral to a suitable hospital specialist.

As already pointed out, an ENT consultant may not be the best person to see with a jaw problem such as this…..


Senior Member
South East, England
Hi @Arise,

I had TMJ dysfunction with the symptoms you mention. Unfortunately I ignored it until it got so bad that my jaw locked (spasm?) and I literally couldn't open my mouth more than 1-2cm for a month or two - no fun I can tell you :grumpy:

I saw a Maxillofacial consultant who told me that surgery was generally a bad idea. Instead he had my dentist create a custom gum shield to wear at night (soft bite raiser), which helped a great deal and now I rarely have issues.

Best of luck,
I do have a dentist and the last time I went for a check up they said everything was fine. However I didn't mention anything about my jaw, I generally don't have great trust in dentists i guess. I will book another appointment with my dentist to see what they say first.

The reason why I thought about seeing an ENT consultant was that I had sinus problems. I use to get sinus infections alot which caused very painful headaches and pain around the jaw. I even had food go up my nasal passage, which certainly isn't normal. I have less sinus issues now, this is probably down to diet and keeping my sinus clear especially during hayfever months and winter.