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Efgartigimod for Long Covid POTS


Senior Member
Efgartigimod may be a viable treatment option for individuals diagnosed with post-COVID-19 POTS because it has been shown to reduce IgG levels, including IgG autoantibodies, which may underlie some of the autonomic disease manifestations in these patients.

It's been going on for a while, has anyone heard anything about it? Studies should be completed in December 2023. Maybe they were clever and let the patients sign an nda, which is not the case everywhere 😁


Senior Member
I had contact with a person in the trial a couple of weeks ago. Back then the trial was still struggling to recruit patients, which means it probably won't be completed by the end of the year. This person wanted to make a Reddit post once the trial had progressed and if they were allowed to. Considering how much hype BC007 is getting it's once again very dissapointing that "the immunadsorption in a bottle" isn't getting enough attention.

Just scrolled through a bit of Reddit. Apparently participants are told that they won't see improvements until 3 months minimum. So far this person hasn't seen improvements.


Senior Member
Interesting that with a size of only 42 people they already have problems recruiting. This was one of the drugs besides BC i had the most hope for success.


Senior Member
The Efgartigimod Post-Covid study also has an extension arm study which is generally speaking a very good sign https://classic.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05918978?term=Efgartigimod&draw=2&rank=1.

There have been several studies for Myastehnia Gravis, at least 3 that I'm aware of. Furthermore it has or is being trialled in Lupus, Sjörgens, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Primary Immune Thrombocytopenia, CIDP, Bullous Pemphigoid, Pemphigus Vulgaris, Pemphigus Foliaceus and Membranous Nephropathy.

After it became a first-in-class medication for the treatment of Myastehnia Gravis the company hasn't been shy in trialling it in somewhat related conditions.


Senior Member
There have been several studies for Myastehnia Gravis
I´m aware of some studies. The side effects made some people opt out.
I was offered Efgartigimod for Lupus after MG diagnosis was declared inconclusive in late 2019. I declined.