Glad to see this post. I just got bloodwork results back today and am confused as to what I'm looking at, too.
EBNA Ab/IgG >8.0 (normal is <0.9) - positive
EBV CAPSID Ag.Ab/IgG >8.0 (normal <0.9) - positive
EBV Early Ag.Ab <0.2 (normal <0.9) - negative
EBV CAPSID Ag.Ab/IgM <0.2 (normal <0.9) - negative
I got ME/CFS six and a half years ago after a viral infection (acute onset of CFS symptoms). Had similar test results about six years ago, but my doc shrugged them off as "chronic mono." Since then I've been tested for all kinds of things - lyme, cardiac issues, etc., etc. - and nothing has every shown up except the Epstein Barr. Tired of being tired, I decided to get another round of tests and see if I could pinpoint what might be amenable to treatment.
Do soulfeast's results and mine suggest anything? (Sorry, I've done a bunch of forum searches and have just gotten myself more confused.)