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Dutch Test Plus


Que sera sera
I recently had the Dutch test completed. I have to wait awhile to get the results interpreted from my ordering Dr.

It is long suspected I have something serious going on with my adrenals.

Anyone know much about interpreting these tests? What I should be looking for? I only know a tad about what the low cortisol means. Also my androgens are very high. And there are other things. If any interest in this discussion I can post some of my results.

I don’t expect a quick solution here but just want to know what I’m working with and how to stay alive.

To note: I began taking one ancestral supplement beef adrenal capsule in December and added one more after covid which has improved my life from severe issues including seizures that have yet to be evaluated partially due to lack of interest in my case by drs and some just ordering home health care which accomplishes very little for someone like me. There aren’t enough words to describe what I’m trying to describe here with the medical field.

Anywho, just a random human trying to stay alive and put a rather large puzzle piece together.

Adrenal symptoms were some of my first issues even in 2000s and right before I lost ability to walk and bedridden 2017. Like, significant. But I thought drs knew what they were doing. I sometimes wonder if I have an infection in them as I know things like tuberculosis, etc can infect them.

In may I private ordered 2 blood tests. A acth test which was 8.4, slightly low, and a proglandin test which to my eyes, appears normal. No Dr ordered this. I did through walk in labs and hired mobile phlebotomist.