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Drug Mimics Human Antibody Against the Flu


Senior Member
Research advance highlighted by NIH and published in Science, March 8, 2019:


Very interesting, thought the concept I don't think would help fight ME/CFS viruses, as ME/CFS patients usually have high antibody levels against their viruses anyway (high IgG), but it does not help much, as the viruses are likely hiding inside cells as an intracellular infection, where antibodies cannot reach.

Dr John Chia said he was always perplexed how ME/CFS patients could have such high levels of IgG antibodies in their blood, yet they could not clear their enterovirus infections. Only later did he release that it was an intracellular enterovirus infection that ME/CFS patients have (a non-cytolytic infection), which antibodies cannot touch.
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Senior Member
Every infection is intracelluar- virus have no own metabolism

Viruses briefly enter cells to replicate, but within a day or so they will have completed their replicate cycle, and have produced tens of thousands of copies of themselves — copies which then burst out of the cell by lysis, and enter the interstitial fluids and bloodstream. That then kills the cell. That's a normal viral infection, which termed a productive viral infection.

However, the same virus can also in some circumstances live long-term inside cells for years as a chronic intracellular infection which does not kill the cell. This is a very different type of viral infection. Numerous studies have found such intracellular enterovirus infections in the muscles, brains and intestinal tissues of ME/CFS patients.


Senior Member
@Hip you maybe talk about virons who enter the cell. A virus can not live outside a cell, they died when the are outside. 90 percent have lytic infection for example EBV and no problems. MS shows in the cerebral fluid high titers of three common viruses- nothing active can found nowhere.
I had 2 heart biopsies and 1 muscle biopsie: no enterovirus, no antibodies. I have typical symptoms of cfs after a legioenalla infection! Sfn as well as POTS, autoantibodies but not Celltrend only Wallukats Bioessay shows Beta 2, M2, Nociceptin.