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Dr. Stasha Gominak (Neurologist/Sleep Specialist) - January 2020 Interview - Illness, Microbiome, Vitamins D & B5 and Sleep


Senior Member
@HAB393 - I see that @Hip has responded to you on this thread. The Marshall Protocol thread that I linked to in my Reply No. 16 was one started by “Hip” and I thought it might be helpful for you or others to review if you wanted to discuss Vitamin D, the Marshall Protocol, sarcoidosis and/or ME/CSF. I have never looked into the Marshall Protocol, but it looks like “Hip” has studied it quite a bit, so hopefully you two will be able to discuss some of her questions/concerns about the Protocol and Vitamin D.

FYI - In case you have not seen this paper (published in November 2019) re sarcoidosis, Vitamin D and hypercalcemia, I am including it here - https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1479973119878713 (November 2019).


Senior Member
@Hip My brain fog is so bad I don't remember you talking about the VDR in sarcoidosis or if you mentioned it before. The amount of success people have had with MP in my specific illness is kind of remarkable. I'm only worried about low blood pressure . I'm assuming I'll be bed ridden for months . I also already have low Vit D. Worked nightshift for years in Canada . Some winter's I literally didn't see the sun for weeks. Anyways sorry just trying to brain storm while I have the energy righhtt now.
I tried the MP and had mixed success. I don't have sarcoidosis, but CFS/ME and had had success with antibiotics in the past and liked the concept of the pulsed ABx in the protocol. After having great success on it (stage 2) I went downhill and ended up worse so quit it, plus I had stated to become disillusioned with the way his forum was operating and how the period of time people needed to stay on the protocol was getting extended further out. For sarc patients though I think it is well worth trying and they had the most success on it + I think there is other research showing how vitamin D contributes to their condition from memory. The vitamin D aspect was the most controversial element to it and goes against so much other information coming out on Vitamin D. Personally for me I feel worse when I take vitamin D above 2000 IU but don't crash when I spend time in the sun which I try to regularly do to keep my levels from being too low. Vitamin D3 capsules above 5k IU give me brain fog and make me really tired, even with the supporting supplements like Vit K + Mg


Senior Member
@HAB393 - I see that @Hip has responded to you on this thread. The Marshall Protocol thread that I linked to in my Reply No. 16 was one started by “Hip” and I thought it might be helpful for you or others to review if you wanted to discuss Vitamin D, the Marshall Protocol, sarcoidosis and/or ME/CSF. I have never looked into the Marshall Protocol, but it looks like “Hip” has studied it quite a bit, so hopefully you two will be able to discuss some of her questions/concerns about the Protocol and Vitamin D.

FYI - In case you have not seen this paper (published in November 2019) re sarcoidosis, Vitamin D and hypercalcemia, I am including it here - https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1479973119878713 (November 2019).
Wonderful article. This just prooves my point even more. I have read it can also help with Lyme disease. Some CFS have some success as well but MP is mainly for sarcoidosis. I'm kind of scared tbh. My luck always involves the worse symptoms and I'm a professional now at handling months of feeling bad. I'll have to message hip specifically . This has actually been very informative. The MP site is poorly designed imo. This forum is alot user friendly for the eyes. When I get better in going to continue research and donate to this forum. For me I won't be satisfied with feeling better. For a really shitty situation this disease has brought the best person I could ever be .


Senior Member
@helios almost forgot. Did you try the vit D while taking B5? I read that really helps promote deep restorative sleep. Just learned about those two today.


Senior Member
@helios almost forgot. Did you try the vit D while taking B5? I read that really helps promote deep restorative sleep. Just learned about those two today.
I typc
Sorry for delay in getting back to you. No I never took B5 with Vit D. I don't know if when I take vit.D it is boosting my immune system (which is at HIV levels) and all the past colds & viruses when I have been in contact with the last 20 yrs but not got sick with (when you feel rotten getting a cold it is not due to the virus but your body fighting it off) that maybe now I start to react too. I don't know, but I much prefer the sunshine way of getting it. I'll read up on vitamin B5 in conjunction with D to see what the science is in relation to those two. I cant say I feel anything marvellous when I take multi Bs. I have had mixed success with the activated forms.

If I take vit D at night it does help my sleep slightly. When I was higher dose vit-D I was falling asleep during the day so had to switch to taking it at night.


Senior Member
@helios I'm not 100% sure this will help but the studies say you get more deep sleep the repairing kind. Imm in a weird spot because my immune system in sarcoidosis uses vit D to creatte these granulomas that look like small tumors so I can't try it :/
'Fairy tale like' – a small molecule – of innermost Mitochondriopathie – was helpfull.
A little arm sticks out – of this bulky 4 c-OH groops (alkohols)... C is in their center. see x'

2 s 2 [3 x] atp
Pantenolat [b vit.] C 5 kube [x'] plus c3
Than this arm gets two times extended... a sulfur in the middle.

2 . 2. 3 x' atp
CoA presenting / take up CoA
This 2 kinds of inner-mitochondrial serving molecule is somehow much used gets earlier under stress than others. (Especially when the systems flexibility and its
structural support 'astrocite' cells are already declining.)

After early 7 years of experience. Some research was done 2012. Administring acording to this concept for another 7 years up to 2020 – now gave much help to literaly thousands...