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Dr. Ron Davis sends you a holiday message of hope! (Video)

Ben H

OMF Volunteer Correspondent

Dr. Ron Davis sends you a holiday message of HOPE!

OMF’s End ME/CFS Project is the most comprehensive, revolutionary research to find a biomarker, treatment and cure for ME/CFS and related chronic, complex diseases.

“I think we can cure this disease,” Ronald W. Davis, PhD, Director of OMF's ME/CFS Scientific Advisory Board says. “I think we’re getting close enough to understanding the mechanism and I think it’s a matter of figuring how to change the switch, and then you’ll be able to cure it.
Treating it would be OK, but I want to cure it.”

Dr. Davis is very clear in his direction.

Dr. Davis and his team are looking for root causes and mechanismsand truly the bottom-line answers at the molecular and cellular level.

We are creating new tools and approaches to research and fast-tracking treatment options for patients.

We are excited to announce that in 2017 we will begin studying treatment options.

Working with our Scientific Advisory Board and collaborators, we are exploring which options will have the greatest potential for success and will launch these studies as quickly as possible.

As Dr. Davis said, in 2016 great progress was made in ME/CFS research.

Let’s end 2016 by launching research discoveries skyrocketing in 2017.

Please donate to research today to make this season of giving, a SEASON OF HOPE for ME/CFS patients around the world.

Sharing HOPE for all,

Linda Tannenbaum

Happy holidays guys,



Senior Member

Dr. Ron Davis sends you a holiday message of HOPE!

OMF’s End ME/CFS Project is the most comprehensive, revolutionary research to find a biomarker, treatment and cure for ME/CFS and related chronic, complex diseases.

“I think we can cure this disease,” Ronald W. Davis, PhD, Director of OMF's ME/CFS Scientific Advisory Board says. “I think we’re getting close enough to understanding the mechanism and I think it’s a matter of figuring how to change the switch, and then you’ll be able to cure it.
Treating it would be OK, but I want to cure it.”

Dr. Davis is very clear in his direction.

Dr. Davis and his team are looking for root causes and mechanismsand truly the bottom-line answers at the molecular and cellular level.

We are creating new tools and approaches to research and fast-tracking treatment options for patients.

We are excited to announce that in 2017 we will begin studying treatment options.

Working with our Scientific Advisory Board and collaborators, we are exploring which options will have the greatest potential for success and will launch these studies as quickly as possible.

As Dr. Davis said, in 2016 great progress was made in ME/CFS research.

Let’s end 2016 by launching research discoveries skyrocketing in 2017.

Please donate to research today to make this season of giving, a SEASON OF HOPE for ME/CFS patients around the world.

Sharing HOPE for all,

Linda Tannenbaum

Happy holidays guys,

Thanks ever so much for posting. I was wondering when Dr Davis said " I think we can cure this disease...." It's not in the video. Is it an earlier statement? I looked on the OMF site and can't see it there. I certainly trust Linda Tannenbaum 's letter, I just wondered when this statement was made.
It's very encouraging this, and for those young people suffering in darkened rooms months upon months year after year treatment can't come soon enough.

Ben H

OMF Volunteer Correspondent
Thanks ever so much for posting. I was wondering when Dr Davis said " I think we can cure this disease...." It's not in the video. Is it an earlier statement? I looked on the OMF site and can't see it there. I certainly trust Linda Tannenbaum 's letter, I just wondered when this statement was made.
It's very encouraging this, and for those young people suffering in darkened rooms months upon months year after year treatment can't come soon enough.

Hi @perrier

Prof. Davis has definately said this before, I believe it may have been at MillionsMissing, the first one, or possibly in the video on himself, @Rose49 and Whitney Dafoe.

He is definately aiming to cure this disease, no exceptions!



Senior Member
For me, that he is optimistic about NIH funding is one of the biggest messages from this video. Also, that he repeats his thinking that it is in the blood is noteworthy.

Really appreciate that he takes the time to do this.