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Dr Paul Cottrell,Harvard, on the the alleged bio-engineered Coronavirus.


Senior Member
This is a rather concerning development and it would be wise to watch it before it possibly gets taken down. The first half is rather technical but stick with it as it is much easier to understand after several minutes. Dr Paul Cottrell discusses the paper that has been retracted which found HIV -1 gp120 inserts in the Wuhan virus.

His working hypothesis is that the Wuhan virus is bioengineered and has HIV proteins spliced into it to enable it to easily infect CD4 cells so it avoids the immune system defences and then is designed to attack the lungs. It apparently also goes into latency when the victim appears to be recovered, but it is then triggered again by stress, an infection or vaccination. In other words, anything that challenges the immune system. It may have been the result of an attempt to make a vaccine for bat SARS. The evidence now is that it is highly infectious while the Lancet has forcasted that the infection rate will double every two days. Dr Paul suggests that the those infected are at least ten times higher than China claims.



Senior Member
I may be wrong. Rumours about what the source actually is could also be engineered.
But as far as I heard, bats somehow interacting with some wildlife species, then that wildlife being sold as food in the Wuhan market (where live animals/birds/snakes were sold) could be a likely cause (?)

If so, is it impossible that some animal -like a bat, or even one of the wildlife species -could be a carrier for HIV as well as the novel coronavirus?

I don't know, but it's worth a thought.

I am not basically in total disagreement with the idea of an engineered virus, horrific though such an idea is....just throwing out another idea.


Senior Member
It's also really cringey that he's decked out in Harvard gear, comes off as him trying to seem credible by wearing a hoodie that anyone can buy

I like that he's really hammering his "credentials" home by wearing BOTH a harvard cap AND a harvard sweatshirt (not to mention the abundance of tech hardware prominently displayed)..... to me, it's basically like saying "Hi, I'm blatantly a chaos/disinformation agent"...


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
If so, is it impossible that some animal -like a bat, or even one of the wildlife species -could be a carrier for HIV as well as the novel coronavirus?

Does China have "blood eating" bats or fruit bats? Does anyone know? If they have biting bats, it could have been infected by HIV. If they only have fruit bats, that would lead me to be suspicious of this whole theory. I heard they are pretty certain it came from a bat now. But I had not heard it had HIV...... I will keep my tin foil hat stuffed in the corner for now, not willing to wear it yet.


Senior Member
This guy isn't a medical doctor or even a scientist btw, his doctorate is in finance management (Linkedin) so I wouldn't really trust anything he has to say about science. It's also really cringey that he's decked out in Harvard gear, comes off as him trying to seem credible by wearing a hoodie that anyone can buy

When I first researched his background, I too was concerned that his PhD was not in a relevant subject, and he only has two years study in pre-med and is only now studying for a master's in biological studies at Harvard; however, he is acting as a gather of information that people are sending him which he and others are then discussing. He also answers this criticism in this video here at approx. the 3-minute mark:

The possibility that the virus has been engineered in not necessarily sinister either as it was possibly part of the process of vaccine production. Parts of HIV's 'machinery' have been used for other vaccines in production, so it is not that unusual. The Wuhan lab, apparently, does have a poor safety history and leaks of this type have, I understand, occurred before.


Senior Member
South east England
If so, is it impossible that some animal -like a bat, or even one of the wildlife species -could be a carrier for HIV as well as the novel coronavirus?
Chimps get something similar to HIV. Simmian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) it's called. One theory as to where HIV came from is that a human came into contact with SIV (possibly by eating an infected monkey) and it mutated to the human form. From what I can remember it's virus disease from pigs that are most able to mutate and affect humans. There was an outbreak of Swine Flu in about 2009 in the UK and one in 1976(?) in the USA.


Senior Member
This article debunks the claims that the Wuhan coronavirus is genetically man-made:
Essentially, the scientists found that yes, there are some additions in the nCoV coronavirus originating in Wuhan that other coronaviruses don’t have, which are similar to pieces of sequence found in HIV. But, the kicker here is that these pieces of genetic code are also found in countless other viruses and there’s no reason to believe they specifically came from HIV, at all.


Senior Member
The way the media in the UK has been reporting it is pretty crap. Talk about an over reaction.

I don't think it is an over-reaction. At this point in time, nobody knows whether the Wuhan virus will be contained, or whether it will spread to a substantial percentage of the global population. If it does spread to a substantial percentage, then at the current 2% mortality rate, we may be taking about tens of millions of deaths around the world. Let's hope that does not happen; but it's a possibility at this stage.

As a point of comparison, the flu causes around half a million deaths per year globally.

Not to mention the fact that during the SARS coronavirus outbreak of 2003, 17% of survivors developed a post-viral fatigue syndrome severe enough to prevent them going to work. The Wuhan virus might do the same thing.