@taniaaust1 as you say its all a bit useless without knowing the food combinations and his diet, although he seems to explain in great detail his reasoning behind everything, will have to go looking around for the exact diet. I do not think you have to do this as a vegan neither, but can tailor it as you wish.
On the eating once a day being unnatural I was also watching this the other day,
I thought there had been discussions around fasting being potentially beneficial for ME due to cellular and immune system 'refreshing'. I noticed one person explain how all this might be possible through apoptosis,
"He eats 1 meal a day that consists of 3 parts, and fasts for 23 hours. The first part of his meal is his amino acid nutrient elixir. This Elixer provides his amino acids + other molecules needed for the body to be healthy. But it lacks the sugars and fatty acids which is the energy source for all of the cellular processes.
The second part of his meal the, beans and roots and shit, do add fatty acids. Then his dessert has sugars in the royal jelly and bread in the form of carbs and sugars. He limits the caloric intake of the meal so he is actually giving his body less energy than it needs to perform it's processes, but plenty of amino acids. He then makes this up with the fasting which essentially eats away older cells and converts them into energy. So he recycles his own cells for his sugar, and fatty acid requirements. This recycling of cells targets the most inefficient and oldest cells in his body. Which I assume includes the ones with the shortest telomeres. He has a surplus of amino acids and his body only uses enough cells for the energy that it needs. So he builds muscle when he repairs his muscle fibers from the workout, and he gains no fat.
So his body recycles the cells with the most damage and possibly the shortest telomere lengths. He also slows down his metobolism, and lengthens his haflick limit."
Its nice in theory, and if you can plan and tailor the perfect meal where your body gets every vitamin and nutrient it needs then having it resting and replenishing the rest of the time it could have benefits. I believe there is some talk about a small secondary meal, use of herbal teas as well.
@Bansaw I suspect he does have some of those good athletic African genes, but for the average person we are not looking at making world records in deadlifting, just trying to create the perfect diet and routine for the body. The other thing here is he is obviously very stress free due to his meditation and mental state, and other than his deadlifting you have to suspect he is not expending much energy elsewhere.
Quick sugar and glucose is just a vicious cycle in my opinion, the body needs to slowed right down, lots of fibre, high plant based and slow burning carbs, as he says rice (I assume brown/wild) and tubers, quality whole wheat breads.
I don't know, I find him really interesting and he is far from your run of the mill online expert trying to tell you how something is.