Dr. Lawrence Wilson


Senior Member
http://drlwilson.com/read articles.htm

Well, he certainly is a prolific writer, including many topics far afield from medicine some of which seem very controversial. From brief research, some people swear by him, others denounce him as a dangerous lunatic. The cornerstone of his practice, and that of his followers (called "helpers"), seems to be hair mineral testing from a specific lab, followed by "nutritional rebalancing." He seems obsessed with the concept of yin and yang. He generally recommends very strict diets, it seems.

I am curious if anyone has experience with his methods, or opinions. I found a little bit on this site but not much.

Just one of hundreds of pages from his site. It seems, uh, out there to me ("older female minerals"??).
https://www.drlwilson.com/articles/YIN DISEASE.htm
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Senior Member
Sth Australia
It may sound very weird to you but obviously by that "yin" disease thing.. he must also a chinese medicine practioner. They have practiced their form of medicine for many hundreds of years. Just like our forms of medicine may sound like black magic to some tribes in the African wilds, chinese medicine to most of us sounds strange.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Note, chinese medicine doctors may be highly trained in their form of medicine, I do not know their study time but they may study as long as our doctors. It isnt something they have made up out of the blue. I once had a treatment by a Tibetian dr I think it was.. but one which followed the same form of medicine as I see in that article by Dr L. Wilson. (I cant say that one "healing" treatment worked at all on me but the guy was working on my ying/yang and wind energy and other strange things.. they believe the body is made up of various kinds of energy)


Senior Member
East Sussex
One of the first 'treatment protocols' I followed when I first got CFS (not ME) and Fibro was a hair tissue mineral analysis followed by mineral rebalancing, as someone recommended it to me and I was desperate to try anything. It very clearly helped my insomnia and got me sleeping again which hence helped the pain loads and improved my energy levels. I only later crashed with ME when I came off various protocols including this and was working too long hours and not listening to my body.

Therefore I have read that website quite a few times and would say about 50% of it makes sense and seems reasonable and the rest of it is wild and abstract! But I definitely would recommend mineral balancing to anyone in that really tired and wired, stressed phase of CFS.


Senior Member
Note, chinese medicine doctors may be highly trained in their form of medicine, I do not know their study time but they may study as long as our doctors. It isnt something they have made up out of the blue. I once had a treatment by a Tibetian dr I think it was.. but one which followed the same form of medicine as I see in that article by Dr L. Wilson. (I cant say that one "healing" treatment worked at all on me but the guy was working on my ying/yang and wind energy and other strange things.. they believe the body is made up of various kinds of energy)

They also believe in meridians but what evidence is there for that? I may be biased from personal experience, I spent lots of time and money on acupuncture and other Chinese medicine when I was in a certain phase and none of it did anything. Dr. Wilson's writings on sex and politics and other subjects which I skimmed on his website are also just major non-starters for me, although concededly they may be irrelevant to whether he is onto anything medically.

Still, and maybe I am naïve, if someone really had "the cure" for CFS and other chronic diseases, and Dr. WIlson sure claims he has it, wouldn't he or she have made inroads well beyond a handful of non-MD practitioners and some testimonials?


Senior Member
As to "yin" disease, if you read the full webpage, I doubt you will come away thinking it has anything to do with Chinese medicine. Read the part about seductive women, for example, which I won't copy here for fear of offense. Or his psychological analysis of "yin" people. Or his discussion of witchcraft.
I like a lot of articles he wrote. About diet. Now he says eat no more rice because of arsenic.
I keep eating my rice everyday. In Thailand they eat it 3 times a day.
But that home made infrared sauna is very good.
I made it at home. Just did a little sweating without overexerting too much.
I can’t tolerate normal sauna anymore. I crash for a month.
But now i suffer from another cold virus that’s not getting out of my system for 2 months.
Feel like sweating clears my headache up. Feel a lot better after it but i have to be carefull it’s not false adrenaline energy from too much heat.
Hope it kills some virusses by creating a little bit of a fever from the lamps.