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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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Dr Elander new site


Check out our new website www.enlander.com!
Same URL but all new and updated information.
Watch videos of Dr. Enlander and visit our Patient Education center for important information.
There are CFIDS resource links and current news articles to read.
For our patients taking Immunoprop supplements, we created an order form to make shipments quicker and easier for everyone. There is even a simple form to refill a prescription without picking up the phone! Hopefully this will decrease the wait time for our patients and increase the accuracy of the orders.
Please give us important feedback on our new blog site.
We encourage you to express your opinion about the office and connect with other patients.
Cant't wait to hear from you!!
-The Enlander Team
Manhattan office hours: (EST)

Tuesday 1:00pm to 7:00pm
Wednesday 7:00am to 3:00pm
Thursday 8:00am to 2:00pm
Email our office at: enlandercfs@yahoo.com


Off the fence
Nice clean site, but I had to rush to turn my sound off - maybe you could turn the music down!


Senior Member
New email address I see as well. I'm a huge fan of Dr Enlander's. He helps patients in the UK. Not afraid to speak out here.


Senior Member
If he pursuing - quietly watch the genuine inforrmed as they work through.


Senior Member
Los Angeles, USA
I'm very glad to see that Enlander has a new site, but it's functionality is so bad people are going to get annoyed and leave.

For example, I was clicking on various things and nothing was happening. But because I wanted to understand why this was happening, I eventually realized that the changes are occurring off screen. This is no way to design a website, because I had to click the button, scroll down, scroll up, click another button, etc. And there are other problems. Many buttons give no visual feedback to indicate they are even alive. No mouse-over change. No on-click change. Plus the odd shape of many buttons makes them look more like labels than buttons. Plus there are some boxes near the bottom with unreadable text (dark red on dark blue).

I saw no webmaster link at the bottom to let them know.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Interesting site.
In his immunoprop protocol he says there is an over the counter med that helps brain fog which he calls catapult, anyone actually know the name of this med??


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Hello Ai - glad to see you have changed your avatar - much more fitting!

I do tend to agree that my first thought was 'does this guy need to make some quick bucks at the moment'. Not a charitable thopughtv- especially as Dr Enlander is top of my list of who i would see if i could. BUT what with his new site - skype consults and now seeling MAF on e bay, it makes you wonder why he is pushing himself forwards now.
Anyways, just being a bit cynical - ive heard hes a great doctor and a really nice guy.
All the best, Justy.


Senior Member
Dr Enlander wants to help ME and CFS patients who cannot get to his office. I know because I am one of them. He viists the UK and Ireland and sees patients. His charges are less than I would pay to a comparable private doctor here (if we were lucky enough to have many left who treat ME). I've paid to see another USA doctor who visited the UK and it was about 3x more than Dr Enlander.

Dr Enlander sticks his head above the parapet for UK patients. He does interviews on contentious subjects like the NICE guidelines and when the Royal Society had a horrible conference full of psychobabble ( we did a demo outside) Dr Enlander wrote a letter against the conference. Very few doctors will speak up here and we have few champions.

My feeling is that Dr Enlander made the MAF878 available because people asked him to (I certainly did) and the remote options to consult with him with be a huge help to patients in the UK who simply don't many have doctors brave enough to face the GMC and treat us. It's not just bravery of course, some have faced the GMC and lost. It's a tragedy. He's been asked to consult with patients who can't get to him (like me).

Dr Klimas does Skype consults as well. There may be other CFS doctors doing the same. I don't know what Dr Klimas charges for this.

p.s. at a talk he gave once I remember Dr Enlander saying that a grateful patient wanted to build him a website as a present. I don't know if this is the result.... Dr Enlander is not a techinical person so if you are a patient of his and how problems with the website just let him know by email.


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Thank you ukxmrv for this very positive portrayal of Dr Enlander. My post above was uncharitable and i guess i was having a bad day. I have considered the skype consult option, but wonder how all the testing would get done.
All the best, Justy.


San Francisco
I don't think it's wrong to be critical, esp. of high costs of consultation and treatments, esp. if they don't arrive properly (leaking etc.). I view it more as a necessity to get to the treatments that hold most promise for some and it is obvious that the involved MDs make some money here - the MAF314 was expensive and likely doesn't cost much to create the starters, but I also noticed that the the bill was split up and went a bit more than 60% to an institution for independent research (likely non-profit) and a bit less than 40% to the MD I got it from. I think for that money you should at least expect proper delivery, bear no risk regarding customs and even have one or two replacement starters sent if necessary in case of a mishap.


Senior Member
Totally agree Mellster, no problems with being fairly critical when there are problems or when things don't work.