Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt on Toxic Mold


Senior Member
A few days ago, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt recorded a telephone interview on "Mold Toxicity, Candida, Fungus and Chemical Sensitivity Disorder."

It can be heard by calling the following number:

1-530-881-1399 Access code: 558497 #


Senior Member
Klinghardt said some interesting things in this interview, but I've realized that he still doesn't quite understand the phenomenon of toxic mold. Here are some of the comments that I found problematic. My own comments are below.

>My own personal experience is that if people have lived in a moldy home, and they bring most of their furniture to the new home, theyre bringing most of the mold with them. If theres no wet walls, good hygiene in the house, airing out every day, and a Hepa filter, I do see that it can be very well contained. It doesnt necessarily perpetuate the problem.

>It is still best when you move to start fresh and not risk cross-contaminating. Dr. Shoemaker doesnt believe the cars are a problem. Weve seen some patients being made very very sick by their cars. So we do recommend that people never buy a car that has a sunroof. Once there is one drop of water in a car, the mold starts growing and we get in trouble.

>I do recommend -- Dr. Shoemaker has a fantastic website, has fantastic recommendations for mold mitigation. He is the world expert in it, and he has put the time in teaching everybody, its constantly updated.

>One of the worst insults is books, the mold that grows on books. Its subtle and irritating.

>If youre not one of the dreaded haplotypes, then a little bit of mold has been with us for a couple of thousand years.

>We feel strongly if you mitigate the electromagnetic fields in a new environment, its very unlikely that a few mold spores that you bring with you are going to grow. If you follow my electromagnetic instructions, the mold is going to be much more forgiving. If you just do mold you have to be much more radical.


Based on this, Klinghardt seems to be of the impression that only living mold is a problem.

That's not the case. Live mold is not the concern in biotoxin illness. It's the toxins made by the mold, which are not alive.

Mold colonies create dormant mold spores, which are released into the air. These generally fall to the floor and often disintegrate into toxic "dust," blowing all over the house and contaminating all the surfaces of the house and the belongings with the toxins.

The reason that the mold makes these toxins is so that other microorganisms will not be able to grow. The toxins are very sticky, can't be washed off most surfaces and don't seem to die down for 5+ years.

It's these toxins coating the surfaces that are a problem for biotoxin patients. Very few objects in a moldy home will have any mold growing on them. (That's not why books are so often a problem, for instance.) It's just the dormant spores, the spore fragments and the toxins that stick to things that cause the problem.

If people bring their contaminated belongings to their new residence, then they are bringing the toxins along with them. Insofar as people are hyperreacting to the toxins (which is what all CFS patients appear to do), they will continue to be made sick by them in the new place.

This has nothing to do with growing new mold colonies. Of course, insofar as there is a water event in the new building, then the transfer of large amounts of spores may make it more likely that a colony will form. But even with scrupulous attention to water issues and no new colonies, the cross-contamination from the toxins will be problematic for CFS patinets.

Many people report cross-contaminating their cars in the same way -- with no mold growth, just transfer of toxins from objects.

Klinghardt conceivably may be right that EMF mitigation will cause growing mold to become less toxic. However, I've not found that it causes the cross-contaminated toxins to feel more acceptable to me. Thus, if the problem is the "stuff factor," bringing the possessions to a new place and then not using wi-fi or cordless phones is not going to work.

I tend to disagree with Klinghardt that the mold that we're concerned with has been with us for thousands of years. I think that the troublemakers are new strains of mold, able to generate much more problematic toxins than mold did in the past.

Mold mutates very quickly, and the world that it's living in (e.g. full of chemicals) is much different than the one in the past. The idea that some weird strains that we are not evolved to tolerate have popped up seems pretty reasonable if you think about it, I believe.

Best, Lisa