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Dr David Tuller: Waiting for Godlee


Senior Member

Trial By Error: Waiting for Godlee
11 JULY 2018
By David Tuller, DrPH

This morning I sent another letter to Fiona Godlee, editor-in-chief at The BMJ and editorial director at BMJ. Hopefully she will take action soon on the two pediatric papers whose publication has demonstrated that something is seriously amiss at the journals under her stewardship, at least when it comes to this domain of research. The ongoing refusal of the journal editors and Dr. Godlee herself to take responsibility for this mess and clean up their mistakes is rather shocking. The immediate prompt for my new letter was a recently published article by Phil Parker, founder of the Lightning Process, touting the Archives study as evidence that his training program has healing properties.

As it turns out, the editor of Archives of Disease in Childhood last month slapped a notice on the Lightning Process study, dated June 19th. It is of course a completely inadequate statement that leaves the paper as is, at least for now


Senior Member
HEALTH WARNING: Offensive material

This is the disgraceful article Phil Parker has published based on the Crawley research where she claims LP works for ME:

ntroduction: The Lightning Process (LP) is a neuro-physiological training programme based on self-coaching, concepts from positive psychology, osteopathy and Neuro Linguistic programming (NLP). It has a developing evidence base for its efficacy with a range of issues, including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), but little has been published about its hypothesis on the disease processes, and its approach to this disabling disease.

Objectives: This paper aims to resolve these gaps in the research and contextualise the approach within current theories and research into the disease. Methods: A literature review was undertaken of the published evidence supporting the main current models of aetiology and disease process for CFS/ME. An evaluation of the LP’s conceptualisation of the aetiology of the disease and the hypothesis behind its approach was undertaken, through a review of the literature and semi-structured interviews with the programme’s original researcher (this paper’s lead author). These models were then compared to identify similarities and differences.

Results: The review identified that the LP adopts a multifactorial, multisystem disease process for the disease, which is well aligned with current research and established conceptual frameworks for CFS/ME pathology. It identified that the LP shared the established perspective that the illness is a physiological, and not a psychological, one. It found the LP applies a self-regulation approach to neuro-physiology processes to influence the physical disease process.

Conclusion: This paper resolves the identified gaps in the research and clarifies the hypotheses behind this approach, which has been identified by the evidence base as providing successful outcomes for some. It is hoped this clearer understanding of the approach will assist researchers, clinicians and those with this disabling disease to identify some additional options for potential recovery.
(PDF) Understanding the Lightning Process Approach to CFS/ME; a Review of the Disease Process and the Approach. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/public...eview_of_the_Disease_Process_and_the_Approach [accessed Jul 11 2018].