UCLA/Buck Institute's Dr Dale Bredesen developed a successful treatment program for Alzheimer's, and I'm struck by how closely his protocol follows recommendations I've heard on the forums here. It's a wide-ranging protocol-- he says having Alzheimer's is like having a roof with 36 holes, and the key is to patch all those holes individually.
He concentrates on fixing metabolic problems, restoring the balance between tearing-down and building-up, clearing sources of inflammation, letting the patients' bodies heal so their brains can improve. He uses methylation, diet, minerals, B12, sleep, medicine, etc.
He describes three types of Alzheimer's, and the third type reminds me in some ways of CFS/ME. A type-3 Alz patient is:
Young for Alzheimers, typically in their 50s (often hits after estrogen drops in women); not APOE4-positive, with no family history of Alz; past HPA-axis dysfunction (adrenal stress); depression; having problems more with cortical issues, i.e. cognition rather than memory (math, organization, word finding); very sensitive to stress (wiped out by travel, skipping a night's sleep, etc); looks like allergic or CIRS symptoms in some ways but no typical asthma, etc. On tests for a type-3, in addition to all the normal metabolic and mineral tests, he also looks for: high C4A, high TGFb1, low MSH, innate immune system activation to to environmental exposures, "dreaded" HLA-DR and HLA-DQ variants, MARCONs deep in nasal folds, visual contrast sensitivity abnormalities, high mold urine tests, high mold house tests, high Quicksilver Lab results, etc. He noted a relationship of type-3 Alz and Lewey body disease.
Here's a talk from Dec 2017:
The discussion of type-3 Alz starts about 46:00.
And here's the paper his team published in 2014: https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/paperchase-aging/pdf/NjJf3fWGKw4e99CyC.pdf
Just wanted to mention his work in case it might help someone here.
He concentrates on fixing metabolic problems, restoring the balance between tearing-down and building-up, clearing sources of inflammation, letting the patients' bodies heal so their brains can improve. He uses methylation, diet, minerals, B12, sleep, medicine, etc.
He describes three types of Alzheimer's, and the third type reminds me in some ways of CFS/ME. A type-3 Alz patient is:
Young for Alzheimers, typically in their 50s (often hits after estrogen drops in women); not APOE4-positive, with no family history of Alz; past HPA-axis dysfunction (adrenal stress); depression; having problems more with cortical issues, i.e. cognition rather than memory (math, organization, word finding); very sensitive to stress (wiped out by travel, skipping a night's sleep, etc); looks like allergic or CIRS symptoms in some ways but no typical asthma, etc. On tests for a type-3, in addition to all the normal metabolic and mineral tests, he also looks for: high C4A, high TGFb1, low MSH, innate immune system activation to to environmental exposures, "dreaded" HLA-DR and HLA-DQ variants, MARCONs deep in nasal folds, visual contrast sensitivity abnormalities, high mold urine tests, high mold house tests, high Quicksilver Lab results, etc. He noted a relationship of type-3 Alz and Lewey body disease.
Here's a talk from Dec 2017:
And here's the paper his team published in 2014: https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/paperchase-aging/pdf/NjJf3fWGKw4e99CyC.pdf
Just wanted to mention his work in case it might help someone here.