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Dr. Brewer Protocol


Senior Member
Hello. I want to start Dr. Brewer's Protocol. I was going to order from the Woodland Hills Pharmacy. It says overnight shipping required. Does that mean that some of the meds have to be refrigerated?

Thank you


Senior Member
I've never ordered from Woodland Hills Pharmacy, so I'm not sure. From other pharmacies I've ordered from, it depends if the medication is in a liquid form, already dissolved for you, or not. If it is in liquid form, then yes it needs to be refrigerated. Other medications that you reconstitute yourself, by adding to water/saline, I don't believe you need to refrigerate. Some medications that I had reconstitute, I also had to refrigerate. Others I didn't.

However, I've had bad experiences with all of these pharmacies and made me order overnight shipping when I didn't think it was necessary. Call them and ask why it's necessary and if it really is. It may be a liability or regulation thing.

Isaiah 58:11

Senior Member
A Sun-Scorched Land
Yes, it needs to be refrigerated. I have had wonderful experiences with Woodland Hills (they have done amazing things to accommodate me), but do not recommend Hopkington Drug.