Dr Ann Hathaway, Marin, CA

Northern California
Has anyone had any experience with this doctor? I have seen her twice. I don't know what to think. She seems to be very interested in the GI stuff. She had me do tests for SIBO, negative, Genova Diagnostic pathways which resulted in lots of supplements for different mal-functioning pathways.
She claims to be a functional doctor. I'm not really sure how much gets CFS. She definitely believes in a strict Low Fodmaps diet, etc.


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
@Dalesar - I don't know the doctor you have mentioned. However, I wish the first functional medicine doctor I saw would have focused on treating my gut. He gave me cortisone for adrenals, thyroid hormone for thyroid, and some other meds, which didn't help at all.

Ran a bunch of tests that all came back fairly normal. The one test that came back WAY off the charts, was a test for dysbiosis (bacterial imbalance in the gut) and he completely ignored it!

Ironically, 15 years later, I have found the most successful treatments I have tried are in treating my gut, just in the last few months. I have listened to dozens of functional medicine doctors on webinars over the years and have been to many of their websites.

Almost all of them start with treating the gut with cfs/me unless they have good reason to start somewhere else. I went to your doctors website, she has 22 years experience.

I would be willing to bet that based on her 22 years of practicing functional medicine, she has found the gut to be a primary problem in cfs/me. Maybe you could ask her how much experience she has in treating cfs? Her reply could be very informative.
Northern California
@Dalesar - I don't know the doctor you have mentioned. However, I wish the first functional medicine doctor I saw would have focused on treating my gut. He gave me cortisone for adrenals, thyroid hormone for thyroid, and some other meds, which didn't help at all.

Ran a bunch of tests that all came back fairly normal. The one test that came back WAY off the charts, was a test for dysbiosis (bacterial imbalance in the gut) and he completely ignored it!

Ironically, 15 years later, I have found the most successful treatments I have tried are in treating my gut, just in the last few months. I have listened to dozens of functional medicine doctors on webinars over the years and have been to many of their websites.

Almost all of them start with treating the gut with cfs/me unless they have good reason to start somewhere else. I went to your doctors website, she has 22 years experience.

I would be willing to bet that based on her 22 years of practicing functional medicine, she has found the gut to be a primary problem in cfs/me. Maybe you could ask her how much experience she has in treating cfs? Her reply could be very informative.
Northern California
Thank you, that's a good idea. I know it sounds crazy, but she is very unfriendly and offputting. After a visit, all the other exchanges are with her assistant. I never know if what I'm being told in the emails is her or the assistant. I suppose everyone asks the same questions. I just don't have a lot of confidence that she's not just putting me on a 'standard' track with diet and supplements. You know if you are a carpenter with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
Her acting unfriendly and offputting has to be uncomfortable. Maybe she will warm up to you.:) I found this on her website-

There might be an underlying fundamental issue, like toxin exposure, inherited nutrient deficiencies, hidden food allergies, gastrointestinal malabsorption or hormonal imbalances—factors that generally are not examined in a routine medical office. I am committed to helping you uncover these factors.

This is an in-depth approach that begins with an exploration of the root causes of the patient’s specific condition. I believe every individual is unique in terms of genetics, health history, body chemistry, environmental exposures, stress, nutrition, exercise habits, and many other factors.

My approach focuses on identifying the root cause(s) that need to be addressed to resolve the illness and restore health.

I don't know if you have been to her website, here is a link if you want to- link.
From what she has written it sounds like she is open to your unique situation. However, only time will tell for sure.
Northern California
Thank you, I did look at her website. I had to wait 4 months to see her. She seems to know what she is doing. Her Yelp reviews call her capable, but not 'warm and fuzzy.' No question there.