Dr Amir - Real deal or snake oil salesman?

Hi all,

I'm looking for anyone who has had actual experiences with this guy? I've seen a few crazy positive stories so my bs alarm tends to go off.

My wife has had CFS diagnosis for nearly 10 years now, we've been to all sorts of specialists and tried many things without a great deal of success. We're lucky she isn't bed ridden so gets to live some life, though unable to work due to energy levels and PEM.

She has always had jaw problems and did have some work done to help with her 'bite' in the lead up to getting ill. We never considered this a potential reason for getting sick but I'm curious having seen a few mentions of Dr Amir.

Thank you


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
This Dr. Amir?
Shortly after these exciting findings were published, our collaborators at the University of Alberta partnered with one of the top metabolomics experts in the world to confirm the findings of the PNAS paper. They were able to hit the ground running because Mike Houghton’s team had samples from the Bateman Horne Center Research Ready Army already on hand. Houghton’s biomarker team, led by Dr. Amir Landi, is working to validate a panel of cytokine biomarkers for ME/CFS and was able to share a portion of the blood sample with the metabolomics group. Importantly, these samples were collected and processed specifically for the detection of cytokines and metabolites.

Or do you mean the stress management guru?


Or do you mean the guy who fixes dental malformations?


1. I saw a dentist who was recommended by a dentists that was recommended by Amir. They found no TMJ disorder. My regular dentist is also a TMJ specialist (holistic dentistry) and she has not found any TMJ issues in me. Placebo will often count for around 30%. Also, if you read this thread, you will see claims of MS symptoms gone and in the same post references to ongoing MS symptoms. Very questionable as to the accuracy of any claims. Also if you read his personal posts in this thread, there are some very non scientific basis / beliefs to his claims.
2. As no issues were found. I had no treatment for TMJ
3. As an MS treatment, there is no scientific evidence. However, if you have TMJ issues, then the treatment will benefit those TMJ issues.

Amir and his followers disappeared very quickly. His website content has also changed. I heard a rumor that his claims were brought to the attention of the UK dental association around the same time. My personal opinion is that you would be much better off searching different avenues for MS treatment, and only spend money on TMJ for specific TMJ issues
This Dr. Amir?

Or do you mean the stress management guru?


Or do you mean the guy who fixes dental malformations?


My apologies I didn't realise there was two, I meant the dentist, as mentioned my wife has had some jaw issues and loads of headache/migraine symptoms. Working with a migraine clinic didn't change much and the dental/jaw issues she had wouldn't match up too well with CFS on-set.

That said, I'm curious if anyone has had experiences with the dentist Dr Amir, as I thought it might be worth a try.

Thank you