Does this new theory explain your ME symptoms?

Poisoning and Biogenic Amines - the cause of ME / CFS?

As someone with ME, I have been researching whether poisoning - possibly by indoor air pollution - could be the cause of ME. Symptoms arise as the body can no longer breakdown neurotransmitter-like substances called biogenic amines.

The full theory can be found at:

It seems to explain the many aspects of ME: lack of energy, gut problems, its persistent nature, and the sudden onset or relapse following a virus infection or stress.

I am particularly interested to hear how well you think this theory explains your pattern of symptoms; and which symptoms doesn't it explain?

Any feedback, comments or suggestions would be most welcome.


Senior Member
Vic, AU
Hi David.

Interesting read and could well be a factor in inhibiting recovery or prolonging illness, multiple chemical sensitivity is fairly common relating to ME I think, but I would not tend to believe it is the cause although chemical exposure I am sure could develop into classic ME.

Have you done much research into all the products that now contain these chemicals? I hate to imagine how many there are, could you not go to lengths though to remove them from your environment? And because they might be in some products, or building products does it really mean you will have exposure?

Can tend to be a lot of unnecessary fear around these types of things IMO and how can you really know without proof these pollutants are messing with the immune system? I would guess over exposure of these pollutants would actually induce a more specific illness as well?


Edit: I forgot to mention I recall on the notcrazy ME forum someone else said they left for a few weeks for work and their health seem to improve a lot, until they returned home.
There was an article in an Belgian newspaper in which a CFS patient declared to be free of symptoms when she sleeps outside. On a summer day she accidently fell asleep some where on a couch outside, she woke up to feel almost perfectly normal. Since then she's sleeping outside, all year around. She remains symptom free this way.

It has been discussed on the belgian/dutch forum. Some reported feeling better after camping a few days others not at all.
I personally have benefit from sleeping with my window open, but this is limited to the summer, otherwise it's to cold in my room....

I wonder what causes it. increased oxygen/ pollution,.....


Senior Member
I haven't found improvement from fresh air, but I have from better air quality.

We got a couple of really good air filters, and replaced a carpet that was infested with mold. Both of those things have been a really good step. But I find that I actually tend to feel worse when I'm outside too long. I used to think it might have something to do with more new sights and sounds to process (even lying in the back yard, it's a change of scenery from what I'm used to). That could be a strain too.

But I think I tend to be a little worse after a while of having the windows open as well. And I live in an area with lots of fresh air out there. I'm wondering if there could be some subtle allergic reaction or low level mold exposure going on...


Boswellia for lungs and MC stabllizing
k8518704 USA
I'm wondering if there could be some subtle allergic reaction or low level mold exposure going on...
Mold on the inside, pollen on the outside. Hyper-responding to each. Have you tried quercetin to calm Mast cells? I flush to my ankles (much more than average), but quercetin mostly abolishes my niacin flush. Do you ever try niacin and compare how much you flush?


Senior Member
I do take quercetin. It seems to calm down some of my immune response to foods, but I haven't noticed much else. I've been taking it very consistently for a long time now, though, and a lot has changed in that time. Makes it difficult to compare to how I was before starting taking it, or determine how much might be attributed to the quercetin. I figure it's better to keep taking it and hope that it's having some other effects than to stop taking it and lose any potential benefit.

I haven't tried regular niacin in high enough quantities to cause flushing (mostly use niacinamide).


Senior Member
Edegem, Belgium


Boswellia for lungs and MC stabllizing
k8518704 USA
You could try a salt pipe

The crystals released in the lungs enhance their function. The lungs have the most glutathion activity if I'm well informed to eliminate dust, mold, particles, ... Salt is antibacterial, detoxes as well.
How long until an effect is felt?


Senior Member
Edegem, Belgium
No idea, you can write the distributor. He is very helpful.
A salt pipe costs 25 euro and it lasts about 6 months. The investment is reasonable. It was a friend of mine who recommended the product. I ordered it too but haven't tried it yet.


Senior Member
There was an article in an Belgian newspaper in which a CFS patient declared to be free of symptoms when she sleeps outside. On a summer day she accidently fell asleep some where on a couch outside, she woke up to feel almost perfectly normal. Since then she's sleeping outside, all year around. She remains symptom free this way.

It has been discussed on the belgian/dutch forum. Some reported feeling better after camping a few days others not at all.
I personally have benefit from sleeping with my window open, but this is limited to the summer, otherwise it's to cold in my room....

I wonder what causes it. increased oxygen/ pollution,.....
There must be a problem with her home then because Belgium is one of the most polluted places in Europe.
Generally speaking now, it may explain the 'location effect' some patients experience, with places more or less polluted (with chemicals, pollens, mold, etc.) than others.


Boswellia for lungs and MC stabllizing
k8518704 USA
A salt pipe...
Here's a 5 minute video, from a U.S. tv show: therapy for asthma etc, they sit in a room of salt (in AU).

Apparently, Hippocrates first described inhaling salt. In modern times, workers in a salt mine had low incidence of lung problems. There are some make-your-own pages on the web.
There was an article in an Belgian newspaper in which a CFS patient declared to be free of symptoms when she sleeps outside. On a summer day she accidently fell asleep some where on a couch outside, she woke up to feel almost perfectly normal. Since then she's sleeping outside, all year around. She remains symptom free this way.

It has been discussed on the belgian/dutch forum. Some reported feeling better after camping a few days others not at all.
I personally have benefit from sleeping with my window open, but this is limited to the summer, otherwise it's to cold in my room....

I wonder what causes it. increased oxygen/ pollution,.....
Intresting. I think nature has more healing effect than we assume. I'm thinking about trying to create more natural space on the nights inside the house. Can you attach the connection to the belgian/dutch forum?


Senior Member
Wetumpka Alabama
Mercola has quite a it of information on the salt lamps. He has a lamp and a dish. He says they help clean up dirty electricity. Sounds very interesting, I saw the article another time and there has been another a little while ago and forgot all about it. His are about the same price. You could put it in his search engine.


Senior Member
Edegem, Belgium
hello Sushi

a salt pipe and salt lamp have two complementary functions as far as I understand.
A salt pipe enhances the glutathion in the lungs and the salt lamp changes the ions in the air.

I notice when using the salt lamp the bad odours (like after cooking) disappear rather quickly. We put it next to the television for the same reasons your article indicates.


Senior Member
Hi David,

It's not a new theory and sadly no, it doesn't explain my ME. I've had acute onset ME (as per Ramsay) for over 25 years.

I always sleep with my window open and most family members on my Mother's side so. Air hunger at night. We also feel uncomfortable in tight clothing. Have MCS.

What doesn't work for us is sleeping outside or even generally being in the outside. Hayfever and other allergies kick in then. We are better by the sea.

The core symptoms for us are classic ME with viral onset. Sore throats, glands, flu symptoms. Food, chemical, pet and inhaled allergies. Post exertional malaise after activity. None of these are helped by living outside, sleeping outside unless there is an obvious trigger around (i.e. a bottle of perfume, a cat etc).

Although there may be some help from opening the windows it doesn't provide a cure or anywhere near a cure. The open window helps with the air hunger and the burning up with heat we feel at night.

People with ME and CFS have been opening their windows, sleeping outdoor and lots of similar things for decades now. If it did work as a cure we would know by now.

That doesn't mean that someone people are not helped and some people helped a lot. There has been a group working on mould avoidence and CFS for a long time now. That certainly helps some people. Also the locations effect, once again some people helped. Subgroups.

As with all treatments we just don't know how many and for how long are helped with this.

For me personally I'll keep the windows open as I have always done. Not a cure or even a big help sadly.


Senior Member
San Francisco
Mercola has quite a it of information on the salt lamps. He has a lamp and a dish. He says they help clean up dirty electricity. Sounds very interesting, I saw the article another time and there has been another a little while ago and forgot all about it. His are about the same price. You could put it in his search engine.
Dirty electricity? How can electricity get dirty?