Does brain fog ever go away with treatment?

I know exactly when I came down with CMV and EBV. I was sick for weeks before recovering. I felt just fine for next six months to year before I started coming down with host of symptoms. My symptoms ranged from simple sore throat to constant feeling of dizziness, headaches and lack of concentration.

Due to some or many of these symptoms I have been unable to function at high pace career. I always dreamed of becoming a pharmacist but with this illness I just can't seem to focus. I'm always feeling drained and tired. My concentration and short term memory is so bad that I feel stupid.

My biggest concern is cognitive issue CFS has brought on. I used to never get headaches and feeling dizzy along with spaced out brain feeling. Never in my life thought I would go through this.

Ten years later I am still going through the same crap I did before. I feel less intelligent and motivated to do anything. I actually feel that I'm getting dumber and dumber each day.

Is this possible? How can one lose their intelligent and knowledge gain over the years due to viral infection.

If I'm correct then how can so many people have CMV and EBV and not be affected but I am?

How do I get ride of this brain fog so that I can go to school and succeed in life. I know that every time I try or do mental work I feel more fatigue.

I feel my life has been rob in so many ways that is not fun to enjoy. Now its more of how will I feel tomorrow.

Anyone have successful career with CFIDS? What do I do? How do I treat the brain fog?

I've tried host of supplements to nuvigil and wellbutrin, nothing works.

Thank you
I feel I write and talk like a fifth grader. My ability to communicate has dismissed completely. Is this even possible?


iherb code TAK122
Can you to try to find a ME doctor who may be able to help, can you ask around your area - if not try to read all you can about ME treatments and what other people are doing to help themselves. Sorry to sound so simple but its like starting again every time we try something new, but we drive on....

We all understand how you feel but don't be dis-heartened, people do find improvement, and if you're young the chances of this are greater.


Hoarder of biscuits
A fairly new supplement called PQQ made me feel more alert and able to communicate with others. I noticed a difference within a few days of taking it just once a day:

It was recommended to me by one of the naturopaths on staff at Life Extension when I told her I had CFS/FM. It can be stimulating, so don't take it after 2 p.m. The product description in the link above is worth reading.

Here are some other brands:

Also, have you had your thyroid checked? When I became hypothyroid my cognitive function tanked. T3 (not T4) was the only thing that helped me regain some cognitive function, like being able to speak in complete sentences. Your doctor can check your thyroid with a TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) blood test.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi RedLineBoy,

Sorry about all the cognitive issues--but most of us can relate. :(

In my opinion and experience these changes are not permanent and improve with the right treatment. That is the hard part--the right treatment! There are very few doctors who know what to test for, how to interpret the tests, and how to treat from the results.

But I have had improvement in brain fog as have others here which makes me feel that it is not permanent damage.

Best wishes,
I've been to CFS doctor, natrupathic doc, infection doc, and family care. They're all bunch a idiots because all they seem to say is I should stay positive. How can anyone stay positive when you lack motivation and cognitive function.

I have tried every supplement possible so I'm not sure if its worth spending the money to have bottle of supplements sitting in my shelf.

I have tried Cq10 , Alpha lipoic Acid, Acetylcarnitine - this helps with the energy.

Piractam for cognitive - nothing

Nuvigil for cognitive - works then it stops.

Vitamins from Fatigue to Fantastic energy revitalize - okay...

My TSH test is within normal.
So do you have good faith in PQQ with BIO PQQ? What else can I do?

What type of career do many of you hold while at the same timing battling this disease.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
i think nuvigil etc need to be used intermittently and every so often take long breaks from it for them to keep working, unfortunately. Over time symptoms do tend to change, not neccessarily better or worse. I think what may have helped me with my work is that i had been doing it for 13 years prior to getting cfs but if i had to change to a new job and learn something different i would find it hard to retain new info??


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
So do you have good faith in PQQ with BIO PQQ? What else can I do?

What type of career do many of you hold while at the same timing battling this disease.

That is a hard one for many. Some manage to keep working full time but often people have to go part time or go on disability. It is important not to try "to push through" symptoms and fatigue. Many of us found out the hard way that this made us worse.



Still working on it all..
Melbourne, Australia
Hi Redline,

I'd keep looking for a decent doc who doesn't fob you off. There could be various explanations for your lowered cognitive function. Possibly a form of orthostatic intolerance with less blood being supplied to the brain, gut dysbiosis etc.

Each of us is a bit different so you may have to just keep trying things. Many people including me have found the right type of B12 (methyl or hydroxocobalamin) either sublinqual or by injection to be very useful for example. It may or may not be what works for you. And it can take some time to work out the dosage that works for each person.

Hope you find a medico who will listen to you properly.
My brain fog has (most days) improved dramatically, though I find it starts creeping in again when I push too hard, am overly stressed, or don't get enough sleep. A number of things have helped me, including supplementing the B-vits I was deficient in (B12 and B1) and reducing the inflammation in my body with an elimination diet. I still have to avoid gluten to keep all that straightened out.

It may sound silly, but I also have done some Lumosity training, and I do crosswords to try to keep all those neurons firing. That said..I would NOT recommend doing these until you're tired or frustrated. Just a little here and there. If it stops being fun or if I start backsliding on a game or getting frustrated by word-find problems, I stop right away. And I don't berate myself - just rest. I also play lots of Lexulous (like Scrabble).

I don't suggest this approach would work for everyone, but it has helped me.

I am unable to maintain the concentration and focus needed to do my mentally demanding job full time, but am able again to work a couple of days a week as long as I rest the remainder of the week. Unfortunately, I have to say there is no way I could have made it through the necessary schooling at this time in my life. Not even close. Aside from the learning and concentration required, the physical demands of sitting upright in a classroom from 8 or 9AM to 5PM and of standing up for labs and clinics..holy hell. No way. :(

I'm sorry you're going through this.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
My TSH test is within normal.
You need to have a lot more than your TSH within normal to have normal thyroid function. Your TSH could be normal because your pituitary gland is not responding to the fact that your T4 is low. Your THS and T4 could be normal, but most of the T4 could be being converted to reverse T3 instead of T3. At a minimum you need to test THS, Free T4, and Free T3. Since I am having thyroid hormone problems, my doctor is also dong reverse T3, and Total T3.

Try to find a doctor who is up-to-date on thyroid testing and treatment. This will not necessarily be and endocrinologist.


My Brian fog practically went away when I started orthostatic intolerance

IT IS not permanent. I wasn't able to add 2+2


Senior Member
I see you already tried CoQ10. That one was like a silver bullet for me for brain fog. 100mg. It didn't help with energy though, like you and some others report.

My next guess might be something to do with the gut bacteria (candida), which can produce acetylaldehyde, which is like being drunk.

You asked how you can have EBV and CMV and not recover like a normal person. This has to do with genetics and the methylation cycle. So right out of the womb, you may have less capacity to deal with viruses than others. There can also be environmental factors involved such as toxic metals and other toxins, undue long term stress, physical injury, etc. It all adds to the load.

Watch my Methylation Made Easy videos for more info about how this all works together to create ME/CFS and other diseases - the link is in my signature.


Senior Member
The things that worked best for brain fog for my daughter and myself:
1. treating HHV-6 infection (the biggest effect)
2. treating hypothyroid
3. treating POTS

I don't think I could go back to my mentally demanding job -- I still get mentally tired too quickly. My daughter, however, managed to stay in engineering school (after coming within a gnat's eyebrow of having to quit) and did well enough to get into graduate school. I have to say that she's probably not as sharp as she was pre-ME/CFS, but she's plenty good enough for a very mentally demanding profession. :thumbsup:

The big differences between her situation and mine:
1. She's a lot younger, which seems to make this kind of recovery more possible.
2. We got her aggressive antiviral treatment within a year of her being continuously ill (as opposed to normally functioning with the occasional crash). I fiddled around for years with less aggressive treatments, thinking I didn't have active viruses. :rolleyes: I also thought I didn't have POTS, so :rolleyes: again. With our daughter, we knew what was going on and addressed it aggressively as soon as it came up.


Senior Member
Hi, I was just going to post a thread asking about cognitive function as it is the most frustrating of my symptoms. I really sympathise!

I have ordered the PQQ to give it a try. One question - does it affect the immune system?
I have problems with a hyper immune system and chronic lymph node pain, and have to stay away from immune boosters and even anti-inflammatories.


Hoarder of biscuits
So do you have good faith in PQQ with BIO PQQ? What else can I do?

RedLineBoy, I have tried a zillion supplements, just like you. I can't guarantee that PQQ will work for you. I think the only thing you can do is give it a try and see how it goes. If taking one per day for five days doesn't yield any results, go to two a day. I wouldn't have thought of trying it, except that Life Extension's naturopath brought it to my attention. (She also brought to my attention Boswellia for pain and inflammation, which also worked favorably for me, but that's another story.)

Here is how I knew the PQQ was making a difference. At my usual energy level I wasn't making conversation with the Senior Van driver (transportation). After I started PQQ I initiated conversations with the van driver. Subtle, I know, but I could sense a change. Overall, I felt a small boost in energy.

I called Life Extension just now to find out what their return policy is. You have 12 months to return a product you're not happy with and receive a refund. I don't think you can find a better deal than that. If you have further questions for them, their number in the US is 1-800-678-8989. You are not required to become a member. Shipping is $5.50.

You could also try
They offer free shipping but will not make refunds for opened bottles. They are not affiliated with Life Extension Foundation.

Here are some other options for finding PQQ on Amazon:

Hope that helps you some.


Senior Member
One other thing I forgot to mention earlier - hydrogen sulfide, produced in the CBS pathway, can also cause brain fog. There are also gut bugs which produce hydrogen sulfide.

I've been doing methylation treatment, and after several months ,I no longer need the CoQ10. I still have some on and off brain blips, but I believe that is due to metal detox.

So, as you can see, brain fog = complicated! :)


Hoarder of biscuits
Hi, I was just going to post a thread asking about cognitive function as it is the most frustrating of my symptoms. I really sympathise!

I have ordered the PQQ to give it a try. One question - does it affect the immune system?
I have problems with a hyper immune system and chronic lymph node pain, and have to stay away from immune boosters and even anti-inflammatories.

I had to search high and low to find out if PQQ had anti-inflammatory effects and that seems to be the case. Here is the Google search string:,48&as_vis=1

Here's another forum post on PQQ (bodybuilding forum, no less!):

I hope you do OK on it.