I am not sure if this is allowed but based on the fact that m.e patients are usually too ill to work and treatment is very costly, I felt I should offer this.
I am currently in remission after two years treatment with KdM and after having a baby (who knew that having a baby would be so therapeutic!!). Anyway, I have a bag of supplements and antivirals that I no longer need. Some of them are out of date but they are unopened. I will send them, free of charge, to any UK person who wants them. This is what I have got:
2 x 30 tablets Isoprinosine Methisoprinol Exp: 04/2015
2 x 100 tablets Delimmun Inosine Pranobex Exp: 10/2014
3 x 90 capsules lactoferrin complex Exp: 01/2014 (one bottle opened)
Please let me know if you are interested, otherwise I will bin them.
I am not sure if this is allowed but based on the fact that m.e patients are usually too ill to work and treatment is very costly, I felt I should offer this.
I am currently in remission after two years treatment with KdM and after having a baby (who knew that having a baby would be so therapeutic!!). Anyway, I have a bag of supplements and antivirals that I no longer need. Some of them are out of date but they are unopened. I will send them, free of charge, to any UK person who wants them. This is what I have got:
2 x 30 tablets Isoprinosine Methisoprinol Exp: 04/2015
2 x 100 tablets Delimmun Inosine Pranobex Exp: 10/2014
3 x 90 capsules lactoferrin complex Exp: 01/2014 (one bottle opened)
Please let me know if you are interested, otherwise I will bin them.