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Does anyone have LTD with UNUM?


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I would like to hear from anyone who currently has LTD with UNUM and has recently had a review. If you don't get LTD you can't help me with this and I don't have the energy for much else.

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senior member
Concord, NH
Not yet, but think this is the insurance company my former employer used. Good times ahead i'm sure! Ugh.



Senior Member
Anyone who has had 'interesting' experiences with Unum or other insurance companies should save the documentation and then at some future data these might be of public interest. Best wishes to all going through these sorts of processes.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
There are threads here specific to LTD and unum.

The best advice I got hands down is from Linda Nee. Her blog is a must read for anyone going through a claim. With any insured.

I wouldn't use the word "interesting" to describe dealing with unum. They are evil and Habe goal . To deny claims.

Everything Linda Nee talks about they do. This ain't no joke and when your financial independence is In Their hands you do yourself a terrible disserve by not taking this seriously.

I'm sure ophthalmic surgeon who was denied his claim because they said he could still work after his diagnosis of Parkinson's, did not call dealing with unum "interesting"


Senior Member
Baltimore MD
@starlily88 As you can see this thread was started last October so that issue has passed. I've been with Unum for years too, I just get nervous before reviews.
I went through so much horridness from Unum. From trying to have young man come to my flat (I live alone)
to see how sick I am - from UNUM. I had internist who yelled at UNUM when they insisted on that test where
you have to do physical lifting to see how sick you are - he told them I was too sick, and he had a lawyer,.
I did reviews almost every year - I just copied exactly from year before good luck