Does anyone have a ME-literate MD or DO in the Portland OR area for filing SSDI claim?

RWP (Rest without Peace)

Senior Member
Someone else is trying to help me with this, but I can't find any MD or DO who can help me file my SSDI. I have a N.D. for my regular doctor, but that won't help me with Disability.

RWP (Rest without Peace)

Senior Member
I too was going to suggest @Learner1 as I thought she lived in Washington/the Northwest.

It might be hard to find a ME-literate doctor, but perhaps an integrative/functional doctor could help.
Yes, @junkcrap50 , but those are also hard to find (MD or DO).

By the way, I have even checked into Dr. Kaufman and Dr. Ruhoy in Seattle (3-4 hours away), and they are not accepting new patients.

By the way, my wife, @PWR (PeacewithoutRest), is bedbound, and I am her sole caregiver. She is being evaluated for CCI treatment, including possible surgery. So that complicates any travel plans...