Hi, I found that this lab has a few tests that look interesting for cfs like an "oxidative stress test", "candida immune complex", etc. The test are listed here: http://www.gdx.net/tests/alphabetical. There's one I found interestting, the page says this about it:
Immunogenomic Profile:
This test evaluates genetic variations in genes that modulate immune and inflammatory activity. These variations can affect balance between cell (Th-1) and humoral (Th-2) immunity, trigger potential defects in immune system defense, and stimulate mechanisms underlying chronic, overactive inflammatory responses.
If anybody knows about this lab or if anybody founds useful any of their test, I would really appreciate to know it since this lab takes samples in Uruguay, where I can travel since I am in Argentina. As I said in a previous post, here in Argentina, there's little to do about CFS, perhaps nothing. Thank you for your attention, goodbye
Immunogenomic Profile:
This test evaluates genetic variations in genes that modulate immune and inflammatory activity. These variations can affect balance between cell (Th-1) and humoral (Th-2) immunity, trigger potential defects in immune system defense, and stimulate mechanisms underlying chronic, overactive inflammatory responses.
If anybody knows about this lab or if anybody founds useful any of their test, I would really appreciate to know it since this lab takes samples in Uruguay, where I can travel since I am in Argentina. As I said in a previous post, here in Argentina, there's little to do about CFS, perhaps nothing. Thank you for your attention, goodbye