Doctor near Tampa/Clearwater Florida?

Hello, I am new here. Looking for a specialist near me. I have ITP with suspected fibromyalgia and CFS. Diagnosed first with low platelets (ITP) but fatigue lingered. Then splenectomy for ITP, then chemo for breast cancer with new intermittent body pain. Now worsened fatigue malaise fever and body pain. Oncologist/hematologist not qualified and rheumatologist not sure what to do for me. Thanks for your help


Patient in training
Hi @Izzy325 welcome to the forums and sorry for your troubles.
There is a neuro-immune center in Miami out of Nova University. These guys might be the best qualify to determine if you have ME (CFS) through testing of your immune system. It would be worth the drive as many are actually flying to see one of these drs. I have a few years ago and I live in Vancouver Canada.

Best wishes.