Athletes are told a post-match ice bath works wonders for their muscles. But is it really good for them? BBC Future investigates.
Win or lose, after a tennis match British number one Andy Murray, has a shower, some food and drink, and a massage and then rounds off his routine with an ice bath. For eight minutes he
sits in iced water kept at 8-10C (46-50F) And he’s not the only athlete to use ice baths to help recovery after a competition. Heptathlete Jessica Ennis-Hill used to stand in a wheelie bin of iced water for the sake of her muscles (pictured, below). The success of these sportspeople and others who adopt this technique would suggest that ice baths work, but when you look for evidence for the impact of this painful remedy, it’s sketchy.
The idea is that immersing the body in freezing cold water speeds up recovery after exercise by reducing temperature, blood flow and inflammation in tissues of the muscles. Lots of us will have noticed that a bag of frozen peas does reduce the pain and swelling when you’ve pulled a muscle. In
one studyparticipants were instructed to put one leg into an ice bath after a strenuous run, and to leave the other one out. Swelling was reduced in the freezing cold leg.
For most of us a little pain relief might be good enough, but for the professional athlete or keen amateur who wants to build muscle, then attempts to mitigate inflammation could be counterproductive. Immersion in cold water is known to reduce blood flow and this could slow down muscle protein synthesis, where the muscle rebuilds itself after injury or strain.
In order to reap the benefits of doing weights, for example, some inflammation might be useful to help the muscles to repair. So perhaps deliberately reducing that inflammation isn’t such a good idea. Because inflammation hurts, naturally there are attempts to reduce it to relieve the pain, but there is
some evidence that this could hinder recovery....