Do any UK doctors help with excitotoxicity (the 'wired but tired' feeling)?


Senior Member
I posted on the symptoms thread about my problems with feeling 'wired but tired':

I would like to see a doctor in the UK who knows something about this problem. Has anyone ever seen one?

I know Dr Myhill is very highly spoken of and does address The Methylation Cycle. Has anyone had any experience of her helping with this particular problem? I have not seen her mention this 'wired but tired' feeling on her website.

I have also talked to the the Optimum Health Clinic, and they say they do address this issue, and also do a simplified version of The Methylation Protocol. However, from what I understand, they are not actually trained doctors at the OHC, so I find it hard to really put my faith in them.

Or has anyone had success with other UK doctors/clinics?



Hi Lucinda,

I've seen Dr Nicola Hembry in the past. She works along similar lines to Sarah Myhill. I too suffered terribly from the tired but wired syndrome, still do to some extent but no where near as badly as before. I think some of her nutritional interventions helped allot, highish does vitamin B complex and magnesium injections. She's a good mix of proper doctor and alternative practitioner and seems very up to date on what's going on research wise around the world.

Changing my diet helped allot for me, eating allot more protein, I gave up being a vegetarian, and really working to have balanced blood sugar. This really helped with the cardiac symptoms.

I'm currently having allot of success with The Perrin Technique as well which basically drains toxins out of the cerebrospinal fluid which are poisoning the Hypothalamus (or so the theory goes). It's definitely calmed my system right down and given me a huge reduction in brainfog and agitation. I no longer feel like I have to HAVE to be doing something to distract myself. If anything I've gone a it far in the other direction. I now seem to need no stimulation at all, I just sit or lie in silence for large parts of the day, I think I'm catching up on peacefulness or something.

Hope some of that helps, happy to give more details if you need any. Oh, and I have acupuncture too which is also seeming to start to be effective. After the improvements from the Perrin Technique it felt like I'd landed back into a more normal nervous system but was kind of out of balance in a way that wouldn't right itself. The acupuncture seems to be working at easing me into a more harmonious state.


Senior Member
Thanks Luke

Good to know a UK doctor has helped you. I live a bit far away from Dr Nicola Hembry, but it's interesting that high dose vitamin B complex and magnesium injections have helped. Did you have Vit B injections? Or did you have tablets?

And yes I have also switched to a high protein diet after checking out Dr Myhill's suggestions. I largely follow the Stone Age Diet - though I don't do it 100% as it's pretty difficult. I also used to be a vegetarian. I was veggie for 9 years (and suffered poor health for 8 of those years) and agonised endlessly over whether I should try going back to meat. In the end I decided to give it a go, and I do think my health improved when I did, so I have stuck to it. I mainly just eat chicken and fish though.

It's interesting to hear you have had success with The Perrin Technique. I looked into it myself and did think it could be helpful. How long have you been going, and how long did it take until you started to benefit?

And totally agree regarding acupuncture. I have been suffering this 'wired but tired' problem for years, and it was a flippin nightmare at it's worse. I tried countless things to try and help calm my body down, and in the end found acupuncture was the only therapy that really helped. It has helped me so much. However, I'm now looking to try other things too now.


I had Vit B by IV to start with (horribly, horribly expensive though as a nurse had to come to my house, wouldn't recommend that) then self injected with B12, but the most effective thing has been daily solgar '100' b complex, seems to really take the edge off. Interesting that there's research just hit the media that it prevents brain shrinkage in dementia patients too.

Oh, and I think Vegepa was another step on the road to not feeing as wired, it gave me a subtle but noticeable shift in the right direction.

I'm approaching a year of Perrin technique. It was about three months before a noticeable improvement but I had lots of great side effects quite quickly (nausea, stabbing headaches) which at least let me know it was doing something. At about 6 months I had a massive improvement in cognitive ability and a huge drop in agitation. My strength and stamina is starting to pick up too and I'm a lot less prone too crashing than I was. Not sure if it's going to get me all the way there but it's definitely a great help.

Where abouts in the UK are you?


Senior Member
I live in Solihull, which is near Birmingham, so I am looking for either a local doctor, or a doctor who I can consult with via the phone/post/etc. I am thinking at the moment I will try Dr Myhill, as she will deal with patients over the phone/post.

I'll try daily solgar '100' b complex, though I am considering trying injections at some point. And yes I was also thinking of trying Vegepa so I'll look into that, as well as The Perrin Technique. I don't know whether I'll try The Perrin Technique any time soon just because I want to try other things first, but it is definitely on my list of things I'd like to try at some point.


Is Dr Myhill taking new patients again? She wasn't when I tried to see her and it was her practice that recommended Dr Hembry as she spent some time working with Dr Myhill. I went for my initial appointment with Dr Hembry in person but have done my follow ups by phone.

Have you looked at the Perrin technique book? One can gather allot from that but if one has significant problems in the spine of skull that would obviously hold you back and need an osteopath to sort out. You could have ago at the hot and cold spinal compresses, lymphatic massage and spinal twists and see if they help at all.


Senior Member
No you're right, she isn't taking new patients. However, I contacted her office and they suggested that I could fill in her medical questionnaire, and send her the results of tests I have had done, and then she will respond with her recommendations. They also said that I can have any of her tests done. I figured that if I read through her book on CFS (so far I've only read bits on the website), fill in the medical questionnaire, and order tests, then that would cover it.

I have heard of a few people following her protocol without becoming an official patient, and benefiting a lot from it.

No I haven't checked out the Perrin technique book, but I think I will.


Sounds like a good plan.

Do you know of this site?;

Cheapest way to get vegepa I know of.

If you have any questions about the Perrin technique once you've seen the book or want advice on doing the things he recommends drop me a pm.


Senior Member
No I hadn't seen that site. I'll check it out. I got the Solgar B vits through today so am gonna give them ago.

And will contact you if I have any more questions. Thanks for all of your help, Luke.