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Disability In The UK Jobcentreplus & ATOS


Senior Member
Has anyone got the enclosed letter? They told me about it a long time ago but I've only recently got this letter. Basically the whole country is being reassessed for disability because the government are desperate to save cash.

As far as I know the government have handed over the task of medical screening to a company called ATOS. I've dealt with ATOS before and they can be rather unreasonable. Here's an article I found about them: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2011/may/31/renewed-concern-atos-medical-assessments

Things aren't looking good, I don't have any positive objective tests (yet), and I'm hoping they'll get sorted in time (PM me for more info). From what I can tell they don't take into account things like poor sleep related massive increase in disability, most cognitive issues, accumulating pain (They'll ask you if you can bend side ways once, not 20 times, and count that as passing the test).

I'm not looking forward to it. I've no idea if there will be any change in how much income support I get (which as you can see by the letter, is being renamed to Employment and Support Allowance).
Jobcentre Disability Letter.jpg