Did your libido crash after mold exposure?

Hi Guys,

I'm so grateful for these forums and all the members sharing. I'm hoping I can heal too. I've been detoxing for about 8 months. It took me about 4 months to get my tricothecene down to normal range after leaving. I was 20x above normal 3.6 ppm. My libido still hasn't come back. Did anybody else test their mycotoxin levels btw? Wondering where 3.6 fits in on the "off the charts scale" or typical for mold sickness.

Anyway, did anybody lose their libido while they were in the mold and after? I've tried so many things. I used to be able to just look at a viagra and be "up" for 2 days - actually just nibble on an edge. But you get my point. I had a very high sex drive. Now it has absolutely no effect except for the vaso aspect.. but there's still no gas in the tank

I haven't done the msh test. But I have supplemented with pt141 a few times (a chemical derivative of msh, and although it does give me an erection, there is no drive behind it either, it doesn't give me my zest for life, motivation etc. If I abstain from Orgasm, it takes about 20 days for my chemicals (dopamine etc) to start kicking in and I feel my drive return - albiet still a shell of the extremely dynamic guy I used to be. But if I exercise my libido it takes another 20 days or so to "recharge".

Again, I've tried every libido booster out there. During the early stages they would work for a week or two but then I would fall back to this newly depressed baseline. I've worked on the adrenal side, Amino acid side, hormone replacement, methylation dna side (which is making me worse actually). detox side binders, nebulized and liposomal glutathione , killing the bugs -infections, fungal, candida, working on my gut still, rife, sauna, etc etc( I just don't know what to try anymore. And sadly as more time goes by my weak libido is getting weaker. It's like every Orgasm damages something in the ol braino.. Depression follows.

It's a real problem. Something that's going to keep me from having a normal life, relationship, business, motivation. I just can't escape it. It's become a terribly depressing life. I still have most of senses. I pass the vcs test. I never didn't pass it, strangely. I did have killer insomnia though. Lots of brain training fixed that
, but at least I get sleepy again.

Thanks for reading. Please share your experiences, tips, advice. Whatever. I'm totally open and still seeking some sense of it all.

Thanks again to everybody.
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But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Maybe your hormones are off. I have zero libido Becuase I have no hormones post menopausal. And they were a mess before that


PR activist
Right, I would start with a hormone panel. Thyroid, cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, prolactin.
Thanks for the replies,

I've done 24hour urine test and full blood tests for thyroid, estrogen, estrone, testosterone, shgb, prolactin, cortisol.

All the "man" hormones are in normal range. Although oddly my estrone appears a bit on the high normal range. Estrone is a weaker form of estrogen, but estradiol is in range. I went on arimidex for 2 months to squash it. The levels came down but it had no affect on libido.

I went on hcg for a bit just to see.. My testicals became very full and lively, but again no drive behind anything, it's like the plumbing is ok, but the drive or flow is weak, Heart is good, circulation is good.. It all points to dopamine issue. But Organic acid test shows Dopamine ok. Also saliva neuro test show dopamine ok. These test are hard to really quantify.

Live blood assessment shows the thyroid is out of balance, but I can't bump my thyroid meds anymore because I'm totally in range. Tsh , t3 it's all perfect, I tried bumping and I went over on t3, rt3 went up. So maybe it's a lock and key thing. My body is producing adequate hormones in my blood and urine but not locking into the receptor?

24hour urine test was interesting. I show low in pregnenolone, progesterone, dhea.
Went on dhea for a bit. Raised my T to 770 or so, but had no effect on libido, my normal T baseline is about 500.

I haven't been able to stay on the sublingal Preg/Prog/Chrysin/Dhea because when I take it my digestion crashes. I start burping all day long from any meal. This has been a nagging issue, even without hrt, have it under control for the moment..But hormones replacement seems to feed the bugs or affect the gut in some way. Klinghardt says there is a reason why your hormones are downregulated. The bugs are using them,

I went on a sibo protocol using Resistant Starch and feed the bifido that helped tremendously with the burping. Stools got solid, but something happened and inflamed my colon. I haven't had a solid bowel movement in a week or so. I'm off the protocol and back on charcoal. Maybe new methylation protocol is moving some deeply embedded toxins.

It's all so confusing. There are so many things happening with the body. I just cant' believe that despite feeling somewhat healthy I have no drive. It's like nothing turns me on. Motivation is a big zero too. I can't get anything done, it's like i see no point in it. I've tried ssri too btw, and wellbutrin, it does nothing for me. I don't feel any different. The only thing that helps is jogging and working out. But after about a2weeks of going real slow every other day my body crashes and I'm sooo tired for weeks after. I used to train 2 hours every other day before the mold. Had energy for days.

The only thing that keeps me going is the memory of my former self and the hope of it someday returning. Thanks again guys.. I know it takes a commitment to read a long post. appreciate it.


Senior Member
Great Plains, US
I think it's a common experience to have one's libido crash after mold exposure.
It sounds like you are trying everything. All I can add is that it appears to be reversible if you get well. You might have to let it go for now and trust that it will come back some day.


Senior Member
yes, mine definitely crashed after mold exposure. It should come back when you detox the mycotoxins which may take quite a while. Fortunately, iodine can help speed this process up. I also find h1 blocker antihistamines help a ton.


Senior Member
Dallas, TX
A lot of my hormones are in the tank. I don't pretend to be able to understand something like an endocrinologist, but a baseline total Testosterone level of 500 and now up at 770 is very good. But obviously it's not making a difference in the way you're feeling.

The lowest mine has been is 178 (I'm only 22). Last time it was checked it was like 350 or so.

On a neurotransmitter test I took it showed that my adrenals were in the tank. Norepinepherine and epinepherine were in the toilet. Maybe you're having some adrenal issues that isn't showing up with a standard cortisol test?
Yea, my adrenals are stressed. I've had a few different tests and looked at blood with microscopist to confirm this. also Norepinepherine and epinepherine is low like yours - according to recent Oats test. Dopamine was in range, serotonin was pretty high though.. don't think it's too much serotonin though because libido was in the tank when it was low and dopamine was high on my first OATS 16 months ago. Strange how it flipflopped. No homeostasis.

epi and norepi was low each time, so maybe thats the connection..Confused though on mycotoxins. latest urine test from realtimelabs shows mycotoxins are out of the urine.. maybe they are still doing damage somewhere else.. recently stopped peeing boatloads of foam, not sure what was causing that but had that for 1.5 years or so.. Going to test some histamine blockers just to see if it sparks things up. I hate waiting for this to come back i want to be proactive, but it's all such a mystery where libido is hiding. Way to many variables.


Senior Member
Dallas, TX
See the thing about the urine mycotoxin test is that it only shows what is coming out of our bodies, and may not give a full picture of what's going on inside.
so essentially my body possibly stopped dumping and the deeper stuff is still causing damage? How do i get the deeper stuff out? I've done 3 months of sauna, used to feel good after. Now it drains the heck out of me. Taking lots of minerals as a precaution that electrolyte balance is off but who knows. urine ph was very low a month or two ago.. around 5, got that up to 6. But still really fatigued.. feels like I'm going backward. Although nails are looking better with methylation protocol. Being homo c667t really made the folate issue a huge reality.

Thanks for your help btw.. appreciate it