Did you do any "mental" training for stress relieve?


Senior Member
I use occassionlly auto-suggestion technics and found it somewhat helpfull.
So, I am considering to visit an auto-suggestion training teacher to get more benefits out off it.
Or are there any better ways?

Did someone make Qigong , Yoga, Thai Chi, Meditation or any other things?
Did it work for you?


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I was teaching meditation classes of a fairly advanced level, doing yogi and doing Thai Chi and none of those things helped me.

In fact I lost my ability to reach meditation states (something I'd been doing for 15 years). It only made sense to me why that had happened when I had brain EEGs which showed my brain does not go into a normal brain wave state when relaxed (so I then are not getting the benefit of meditation). I found out that I had the common ME abnormally going on where one has excess alpha?? beta?? beats (oh I forget what).

I ended up having to stop doing Qigong and Thai Chi (both which I'd done for 3 years) after becoming sick as I then started developing huge painful knots in my back when I did it. One knot which came up while doing it, it took months of weekly massage to get rid of it and affect my ability to twist due to the pain it caused. (note I never had knots in my back come up during Thai Chi before I got sick only after and they'd come up doing the class. A teacher ended up telling me I'd developed excess energy of ? (I cant remember what) and that it was then blocking things.

The only form of energy thing which has helped me was homoeopathy, and that only helped one of the symptoms (constant thirst, I used to wake up 6-8 times a night needing to drink) get or rather had (out of about 90 different symptoms/problems I get). Reiki and soo many other things I tried did nothing at all in helping me though they have worked for me on other things, just not on ME problems.
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Senior Member
I had brain EEGs which showed my brain does not go into a normal brain wave state when relaxed
I used to wake up 6-8 times
constant thirst, I used to wake up 6-8 times a night needing to drink
my sleep was also interrupted, but not that much like in yours case.
I usually waked up in past 2-3x times, always needed to pee + drink. I had worst times where I wasnt able to sleep any longer then 3h/day. This was a horrible time, even Diazepam didnt fix it.
The sleep labor showed a few mild sleep apnoes - not huge enough to explain the sleep problems. Interestingly, my heart rate didnt lower/dip during sleep. It seemed my brain was "Non-Stop" running and the CNS not able to "calm down".
So, I was finally getting prescriped medical MJ and was able to sleep up to 6h (without any interruptions), unfortunatly MJ makes foggy, too.
Auto-suggestion also helped me to some degree for getting better sleep. but I was never able to get auto-suggestion working for any other FM / ME related problems.
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Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@Hd-x - I used to meditate regularly and liked it very much for calming my brain. But it's been much more difficult since ME/CFS. Sleep (like for almost everyone here) has been a huge issue and too often whatever I have to take for sleep does leave me fuzzy and thus unable to meditate. About 2 months ago I started using medical MJ like you - it's working pretty well, and overall no bad side effects, but sometimes I am fuzzy in the morning. It's hard to calibrate the dose while vaping. But overall I think it's better for my body than prescription drugs, which I avoid as much as possible.

There's a pose which can be very helpful for calming the brain. I did a thread about it here. After doing it daily for 10 days or so, it started helping with sleep, it was great, and then a week or 2 after that, it started revving me up early a.m., I think it was stimulating my thyroid so was making sleep worse! Though I had more energy :aghhh: You might try it though - I guess like everything it's a balancing act. I wouldn't do it after say 4:00 in the afternoon because it can be stimulating and cause insomnia done late in the day - again, I think it has to do with stimulating the thyroid.


Senior Member
About 2 months ago I started using medical MJ like you - it's working pretty well, and overall no bad side effects, but sometimes I am fuzzy in the morning.
Do you notice any different betwenn medical strains?
It doesn´t matter what strain, they all make me sleepy - never noticed any "energizing" effects. Another curiousity, any oral (decarboxilated) dosing didn´t show any effect. (I am not sure, obvisously it has something to do with Leaky Gut?) On the other side, using MJ oil (with high CBD) transdermal as a salve together with DMSO, orange flowers + mint oil+ St. John's wort oil reliefes my FM joint pain.

I did a thread about it here.
Thank you, I will check out the thread.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Do you notice any different betwenn medical strains?
I've only used indica in an oil form for vaping middle of the night. It's tricky getting it right! If I don't do enough, my brain just spins for awhile, not really unpleasant, but not sleepy either. But if I do enough, it does knock me out. I believe the THC content is 76%. I was told NOT to use sativa which could induce paranoia etc. which I want no part of!

I've never heard of decarboxylation - I just looked it up briefly but my brain does not want to attempt to understand it right now. ;) Edibles do affect me, but vaping the oil is much quicker and I think stronger.

I'm new to this so don't know much beyond what I've said here. I'm glad you've found a combo that helps with your fibro pain!

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Senior Member
Edibles do affect me, but vaping the oil is much quicker and I think stronger.

If you put yours edibles into an oven it may work (it needs head to activate THC/CBD, this process is called "decarboxilation"). There is also a temperature chart for vapors availible:
There are also Pharmagrade medical drops (Dronabinol, Marinol) and sprays (Sativex) availible, which are allready decorboxilated for oral use. Sativex is mostly used to treat MS.

I only found your response because I got an alert that you "liked" my post above.
Ah ok, did it work? (my english is not the best, and I am not sure if I maked it in the right way?)


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Hi @Hd-x - okay, thanks for the info on edibles and heating and decarboxylation.

Ah ok, did it work? (my english is not the best, and I am not sure if I maked it in the right way?)
It did work! :thumbsup: By the way, I think your English is very good. :nerd:

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