Declaring fibromyalgia for permanent disability?


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
Even though I don’t have fibromyalgia, my brother said I should try to get disability for it as they will award it, and it can’t be proved. Has anyone “without “ fibromyalgia been able to be awarded permanent disability by claiming they had it?

I hate lying with a vengeance, but I’ve been unemployed for 3 months now and unemployment still hasn’t kicked in. I’m living off no income literally, and the stress or something has made it to where I can barely walk or take care of myself. I just got public state funded healthcare, so hoping a new doctor will push hard for treatments that will A/ either get me able to work again, or B/ get me on disability and receiving some kind of help with cleaning or something.

I’m just a few months away from having to sell my house and go..... where......? Death is becoming the only option if things don’t change. I don’t want that as my only option. I’ve thought of buying a motor home, but seriously I can’t take care of it, and parking it somewhere I can get water, electricity, and sewer access will cost almost as much as my mortgage. So that means that option is not feasible.

I can move into the basement and rent out the upstairs, but I have few people now that can help me even move my bed etc. And I still will have expenses.

So disability seems to be my best choice, and I can’t wait two plus years to possibly get it.

And I know I’m not the only person here that has been backed into this corner. Suggestions?

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Has anyone “without “ fibromyalgia been able to be awarded permanent disability by claiming they had it?

It does not sound like a good idea to actually lie under these circumstances.

Having fibro pain seems to be a common symptom of the ME. I never really try to view them as different conditions...what I think is fibro-type pain for me worsens alot during crashes and cycles of decline. Then its lessor when I'm not crashing or am improving.

Hopefully folks who have gone thru this process can weigh in.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Would I have to be labeled disabled for that? Their only office is a long ways away from me. Far beyond my driving capabilities.

I'm sorry I don' t know. Maybe you could at least contact them by phone or email and inquire about- assistance.

There may be other groups like this, or perhaps this group knows of more local assistance you could pursue.

There actually are people in the world, who in fact help other people, even strangers. I know this, because I met them and I was helped.

So- maybe...its about openning up to allow- help to flow-in.

I think its truely hard to ask for- help. We aren't good at it. But its OK. Give yourself permission...for it to be ok to ask.


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
Maybe you could at least contact them by phone or email and inquire about- assistance

Definitely I will do that. And I am learning there are kind people, I’ve been helped much lately. They might also be good people to reach out to. Food banks and churches are a blessing right now. Opening up, yep that’s my problem. Thanks for the advice and link, I’ll look into things more.


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
Not only is lying a terrible idea, if your caught you will have to pay the money back (going back many years if your not caught right away) and you could face fines and jail time.

To get disability you need medical evidence.
For invisible diseases you need doctors to attest to your disability. Often multiple doctors.

Lying is often seen as big a sin as the original crime.
In some cases when there is not enough evidence to convict of a crime they convict of lying.

If you want to learn more in abstract about this look up the youtube vid "Don't talk to the police"

As for disability with ME, that is possible, seek legal advice on how to honestly apply.
I have written PR posts on getting disability, though being in Canada they won't be exactly identical but search my user name and disability and you should be able to hunt them down.


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
Even though I don’t have fibromyalgia, my brother said I should try to get disability for it as they will award it, and it can’t be proved. Has anyone “without “ fibromyalgia been able to be awarded permanent disability by claiming they had it?

I hate lying with a vengeance, but I’ve been unemployed for 3 months now and unemployment still hasn’t kicked in. I’m living off no income literally, and the stress or something has made it to where I can barely walk or take care of myself. I just got public state funded healthcare, so hoping a new doctor will push hard for treatments that will A/ either get me able to work again, or B/ get me on disability and receiving some kind of help with cleaning or something.

I’m just a few months away from having to sell my house and go..... where......? Death is becoming the only option if things don’t change. I don’t want that as my only option. I’ve thought of buying a motor home, but seriously I can’t take care of it, and parking it somewhere I can get water, electricity, and sewer access will cost almost as much as my mortgage. So that means that option is not feasible.

I can move into the basement and rent out the upstairs, but I have few people now that can help me even move my bed etc. And I still will have expenses.

So disability seems to be my best choice, and I can’t wait two plus years to possibly get it.

And I know I’m not the only person here that has been backed into this corner. Suggestions?

Doctors do malingering tests for fibromyalgia. I don't recommend trying to fake it since it could destroy your credibility and cause rejection of the case. If you have memory/concentration problems a neuropsychological assesment may win your case, it did for me.

Regarding housing an easy thing to do is to find a housing authority with good maintenance scores and apply for a subsidized apartment requesting a lower crime area. You can also apply for Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher which lets you rent an apartment. When applying for any housing always tell them you are disabled even if you haven't yet won SSA. If your doctor says you are disabled then you are disabled.

If your house payments and taxes are less than 30% of your income I would try to stay in it as it will be cheaper than any housing assistance. You can hire people to help you move things.
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Senior Member
Northern California
Hi @Strawbery

I am certainly sympathetic to your situation, and I am wondering why you wouldn't apply for disability benefits using your diagnosis of ME/CFS, rather than lie about having a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia?

I have posted a few resources on disability claims for ME/CFS in the Finances, Work, and Disability Forum. I'm hoping you can search on my user name and see if any of that information may be helpful to you.

I feel for you. I went "off the cliff" from being employed full-time to applying for disability benefits in 2014/2015, and it was the second scariest thing that I've done in my life. It all worked out in the end, but the months of stress and uncertainty was very difficult. I really feel for you!

Best of luck!


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
Not only is lying a terrible idea, if your caught you will have to pay the money back (going back many years if your not caught right away) and you could face fines and jail time.
(and everyone else)

That is so totally true. My brother said he knew someone that got disability quickly by claiming fibromyalgia... So I won’t go that route. Dr Kaufman will probably go to bat for me, so I will keep plodding in that direction.

@Zebra definitely this is scary! Thank you for the sympathy.

I think this will work out in the long run, but my crystal ball is broken so definitely very intimidating. Going from high paid to nothing over night (and still nothing 3months later) is... well... you all know...

Thanks all. I have far more data then I can handle for the moment, I might re start the thread in time. But for now my brain is mush.


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
(and everyone else)

That is so totally true. My brother said he knew someone that got disability quickly by claiming fibromyalgia... So I won’t go that route. Dr Kaufman will probably go to bat for me, so I will keep plodding in that direction.

@Zebra definitely this is scary! Thank you for the sympathy.

I think this will work out in the long run, but my crystal ball is broken so definitely very intimidating. Going from high paid to nothing over night (and still nothing 3months later) is... well... you all know...

Thanks all. I have far more data then I can handle for the moment, I might re start the thread in time. But for now my brain is mush.
(and everyone else)

That is so totally true. My brother said he knew someone that got disability quickly by claiming fibromyalgia... So I won’t go that route. Dr Kaufman will probably go to bat for me, so I will keep plodding in that direction.

@Zebra definitely this is scary! Thank you for the sympathy.

I think this will work out in the long run, but my crystal ball is broken so definitely very intimidating. Going from high paid to nothing over night (and still nothing 3months later) is... well... you all know...

Thanks all. I have far more data then I can handle for the moment, I might re start the thread in time. But for now my brain is mush.

Good point. Another consideration is that they re-evaluate you every 2-4 years so if you stop showing fibromyalgia symptoms on your doctors visits they will drop you from disability. I strongly advocate neuropsychological testing for mental problems. It is the easiest way to qualify for disability since it yields a recognized mental diagnosis that automatically qualifies. Given that 75% of ME patients are chronically disabled they shouldn't put us through the ringer on this yet they do.
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Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
That’s okay now. An update that I am realizing now how strong my issues are structural. Dr Kaufman definitely will be able to help me with the right diagnosis. I was diagnosed AAI probably a decade ago, and I have the butt dimple. Sorry, brain isn’t working..... Get the right diagnosis then get surgery. Problem is my daughter and her bf will have to put life on hold for a time, but with my prev income I should get decent.... whatever. Disability... ssi.....

Sorry I guess the us holiday was harder on me than I thought. Pain is getting worse and can’t look at tablet.

bye for a few days


Senior Member
Just wanted to mention its getting tougher and tougher from what I heard from lawyers with fibro

There's good people in the world but be careful who you trust in the medical profession as some people will be nice to your face

It would be nice of they had universal basic income of some form.